Coffee review

Common sense of Coffee Culture the meaning of cappuccino coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, It smells delicious. When you take the first sip, you can feel the sweetness and softness of a large number of milk bubbles. The second mouthful can really taste the original bitterness and richness of coffee beans. Finally, when the taste stays in the mouth, you will feel that there is a mellow and meaningful taste. This is cappuccino, an irresistible coffee. As early as the early 20th century, the Italian Azibucha hair.

It smells delicious. When you take the first sip, you can feel the sweetness and softness of a large number of milk bubbles. The second mouthful can really taste the original bitterness and richness of coffee beans. Finally, when the taste stays in your mouth, you will feel mellow and meaningful. This is cappuccino coffee, a kind of irresistible coffee. As early as the early 20th century, when the Italian Archibsha invented the steam pressure coffee machine, cappuccino was born. So what does cappuccino mean? Some people say it represents love? Some people say that he represents an attitude towards life.


Cappuccino represents love, just like the taste of love

Cappuccino is a kind of foam coffee, Viennese Fanz George Kolschitsky is the founder of Cafe Latte, cappuccino is a kind of milk coffee, on the basis of Italian espresso, add a thick layer of foaming milk, become cappuccino, the first sip of cappuccino, first the mellow of milk foam, then the bitterness of espresso, the second sip has an aftertaste and eternity Just like love, men and women who are passionately in love are always sweet, but they also have quarrels and difficulties. When they have experienced wind and rain together, they recall that there are only endless memories and the taste of love between their hearts forever.