Coffee review

Coffee Bean roasting knowledge Oil yield and freshness of Coffee

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Oil yield and freshness: the appearance of freshly baked shallow baked beans should be dry without oil, and the surface of freshly baked deep baked beans should be oily. It is the correct idea that we should understand. When buying coffee beans, the appearance of oil, no oil is a reference index to judge the freshness, but not absolutely. The best policy is to buy reputable freshly roasted coffee beans.


Oil and freshness: Freshly baked light-baked beans should be dry and oil-free in appearance, and freshly-baked deep-baked beans should be oily in surface. It is the right idea that we should understand. When buying coffee beans, the appearance of oil, no oil is a reference index to judge freshness, but not absolute. It is best to buy fresh roasted coffee beans with good reputation.