Coffee review

52 specialty hot coffee making recipe cafe creative menu

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, 1. Viennese coffee slightly deep-roasted coffee 150cc; stirred cream 20cc; white sugar 10g. Pour the coffee into the cup, cover it with stirred cream, and finally, sprinkle with sugar. In Vienna, Austria, there is actually no drink called Viennese coffee, while in some countries outside Austria, coffee with whipped cream is called Viennese coffee. This kind of coffee is made through

1. Viennese coffee

Slightly deep-roasted coffee 150cc; whipped cream 20cc; white sugar 10g.

Pour the coffee into the cup, cover it with stirred cream, and finally, sprinkle with sugar.

In Vienna, Austria, there is actually no drink called Viennese Coffee, while in some countries outside Austria, coffee with whipped cream is called Viennese Coffee. This coffee is spread to Japan via the United States, and its official English name is "ViennaCoDee".

2. Caesar mixed coffee

Deep-roasted coffee 100cc; egg yolk 1; sugar 10g; milk 30cc.

Put all the ingredients in the pan and cook over low heat while stirring with a blender. When the temperature is about 70 ℃, remove from the fire and pour into the cup. The cooking time of coffee should not be too long, because after boiling, the yolk will condense. Nordic people often add rum or brandy to their coffee to make the coffee more mellow and delicious.

3. Arabica coffee

Slightly deep-roasted coffee 80cc; sugar 15g; cinnamon powder; cardamom powder.

Put sugar, cinnamon powder and cardamom powder in the cup and pour in the coffee. This is a kind of coffee with modern flavor made by dripping. The method is to put coffee powder, cinnamon fragments and cardamom seeds in a special pot of copper or brass, and then pour into hot water to cook.

4. Milk coffee

Deep-roasted coffee 200cc; hot milk 150cc.

Prepare two small pots, one for coffee and the other for milk. Add a cup and serve it in a set of three at the same time. This is a typical French way of drinking, instead of mixing in one container, coffee and milk are placed in separate pots.

In the original sense of "milk coffee", milk should be added to the coffee. Although it is rarely served in a pot and more in a cup of coffee, it is still consumed in the traditional way in old-fashioned cafes. In the past, in upper-class families, coffee had to be served in a pot, so it can be said that this method is still used now.

5. A can of coffee

Deep-roasted coffee 200cc; 1 cinnamon stick.

Pour coffee into the cup and insert a cinnamon stick.

A can of coffee means to pour coffee into an empty can. Italians who emigrated to the United States often drank coffee in empty cans, which was the reason for the low standard of living at that time. Later, they moved to the western United States and brought this way to the western border, thus giving birth to large cups with handles. Americans still retain the way of drinking with cups and saucers only.

6. Greco-Roman coffee

Deep-roasted coffee powder 8g; water 100cc; orange peel; lemon peel; orange peel jam.

Use a special coffee pot-Turkish coffee pot. Boil the coffee pot with coffee powder, water, orange peel and lemon peel on the fire. Just boil, immediately remove the coffee pot from the fire, place it for about 1 minute, then pour it into the cup and pour it with orange peel jam.

This is Roman-flavored Greek coffee. Greeks or Turks usually drink it with fruit.

7. Cream coffee (large cup)

Deep roasted coffee 150cc; foamed milk 80cc.

Pour coffee into the cup and pour in foamy milk.

This is a typical French way to drink. Milk coffee has been gradually replaced by cream coffee this year, using a cream blender to foam the milk, making the sparkling milk easy to drink and similar to cream.

8. Cream coffee (small cup)

Deep roasted coffee 70cc; foamed milk 40cc.

Pour coffee into the cup and pour in foamy milk.

This is the most popular coffee for women in France. It is small in quantity, cheap in price and soft in taste.

9. Cream with coffee

Deep roasted coffee 100cc; milk 60cc; whipped cream 20cc.

Pour the coffee into the cup, then pour in the hot milk, and finally add the whipped cream.

Coffee and cream should be placed in different containers and prepared by the guests at will. Put both milk and cream in the coffee to make the taste more mellow. Don't stir after putting in the milk. You can also put coffee and milk into a cup and put cream on it.

10. Stir the cream with coffee

Deep-roasted coffee 120cc; stir cream 30cc; cube sugar 2 pieces.

Prepare a silver tray and place containers with coffee and whipped cream on it, and cubes of sugar on the plate separately. Provide a full range of services to guests.

This is an Italian Viennese coffee, whipped cream can be put in the coffee or served as a snack for guests to eat and drink at the same time.

11. Milk with coffee

Deep roasted coffee 120cc; foamed milk 70cc.

Put coffee and foamed milk in different cups so that guests can drink separately or mixed together.

This kind of coffee is very common in Mexico and Spain. In order to lighten the burden on the stomach, Latin people drink coffee diluted with milk instead of drinking coffee in the morning.

12. Chocolate coffee

Deep roasted coffee 100cc; chocolate syrup 30cc; foamed milk 60cc; a little cocoa powder.

Put chocolate syrup in the cup, then pour in the coffee, finally fill with foamed milk, then sprinkle some cocoa powder on top.

This is an innovation of American coffee, some call it "cocoa coffee" or "mocha coffee".

13. Small cup of coffee

Deep-roasted coffee powder 10g; hot water 200cc; black sugar 10g; cinnamon fragments.

Put all the ingredients in a white-glazed casserole, turn off the heat as soon as it is boiled, place it for two minutes and then filter in the cup.

Suitable for drinking after eating spicy or greasy dishes, you can also drink coffee while tasting the sweetness of black sugar.

14. Pot Coffee (small)

Slightly deep-roasted coffee 80cc; 1 cinnamon stick.

Pour coffee into the jar and insert a cinnamon stick.

In Mexico, the traditional way to drink is to pour the national power into the coffee powder and water to boil over the fire, not to boil, but to stir while cooking, and then filter with a filter. Some areas are also sprinkled with cinnamon powder and salt.

15. Pot coffee (large)

Slightly deep-roasted coffee 180cc; 1 cinnamon stick.

Pour coffee into the jar and insert a cinnamon stick.

This is standard Mexican coffee, which is usually made from earthen pots. After eating spicy dishes and drinking wine, the coffee with cinnamon flavor is very clear. It is best to use large earthen pots.

16. Brazilian coffee

Deep-roasted coffee 100cc; chocolate syrup 30cc; milk 60cc; whipped cream 20cc; very little salt.

Put chocolate syrup in the cup, pour in the coffee, and sprinkle with a very small amount of salt. Mix in the milk and cover with stirred cream.

A little salt in coffee is the characteristic of Brazilian coffee.

17. Austrian coffee

Slightly deep-roasted coffee 150cc; stirred cream 30cc; a little white sugar, with 1 piece of chocolate.

Pour the coffee into the cup, stir the cream and put it on a small plate, put a packet of sugar next to the plate, and put a piece of chocolate in the coffee.

The coffee is usually drunk with a sip of whipped cream and a sip of coffee, or put the cream into the coffee.

18. Java hot coffee

Slightly deep-roasted coffee 120cc; chocolate syrup 20cc; stirred cream 20cc; a little chocolate shavings.

Pour chocolate syrup into the cup, pour in the coffee, cover with stirred cream, and finally, sprinkle with chocolate crumbs.

The name of this coffee is Java, which means chocolate.

19. Roman coffee

Deep-roasted coffee 70cc; lemon juice 5cc; lemon peel a little; added cube sugar (large) l.

Pour lemon juice into the cup, add coffee, lemon peel and sugar cubes.

Coffee with Roman flavor. Lemon in the coffee is light in taste and suitable for drinking after eating greasy dishes.

20. Italian cream coffee

A little lemon peel; 1 cubes of sugar; slightly deep-roasted coffee 100cc; foamed milk 60cc; a little cinnamon or cocoa powder.

Put coffee in the cup, then milk, pour the stirred milk foam on top with a teaspoon, and finally, sprinkle some cinnamon or cocoa powder.

This is typical Italian coffee. The English name of this coffee is the Roman Catholic headscarf, because the shape of the coffee is similar. Foam milk coffee is called "headscarf", which is also a kind of chic of the Romans. Now, this kind of coffee is becoming popular not only in Italy, but also all over the world. It should be emphasized here that authentic Italian coffee is without whipped cream.