Coffee review

The use of coffee filter paper in American coffee pot using 102 filter paper skillfully

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The first coffee pot I bought was the American drip coffee maker, because I didn't have much choice and more coffee knowledge at that time, but I didn't use the American drip coffee maker a long time ago. Because I don't like the plastic smell after the high temperature, I am more sensitive to it. Things invented by Americans are often fast and convenient, but the quality of brewing coffee? American drip coffee pot when brewing

The first coffee maker I bought was an American drip coffee maker because there wasn't much choice and more coffee knowledge at the time, but American drip coffee makers had long since stopped being used. Because I don't like the smell of plastic after high temperature, I am sensitive to it. American inventions are often quick and convenient, but the quality of brewed coffee...

American drip coffee pot brewing if the use of coffee filter paper, can effectively improve the quality of coffee:

1, increase the coffee soaking time; if only the original gauze filter is used, there is not enough resistance, basically the water drops are extracted, there is not enough time to extract the essence of coffee, coffee powder is often extracted unevenly, the middle coffee powder extraction transition, the edge of the coffee powder is often extracted insufficiently; after using coffee filter paper, it is hot water first and coffee powder fully evenly soaked extraction, coffee liquid flows down again.

2, American drip coffee pot original gauze filter, often have fine coffee grounds affect the taste and taste of coffee, after using coffee filter paper can get more pure coffee.

Of course, using 100% original wood pulp without bleaching 102 coffee filter paper can get pure original coffee and is more environmentally friendly.

102 coffee filter paper in the American drip coffee pot application diagram

The fan-shaped 102 coffee filter is just right for the usual 6-12 person American electric drip coffee pot.

Fold the adhesive edges underneath first. Fold the adhesive edges of the sides in the opposite direction. Straighten the bottom two corners. After folding, it looks like this. Put it into the water that has been cleaned and boiled in advance

Fold the adhesive edges underneath first.

Fold the adhesive edges of the sides in the opposite direction.

Straighten the bottom two corners.

After folding, it looks like this.

Put it into the filter of a pre-cleaned, air-boiled white water sterilized American electric drip coffee pot.

A little bit of residual water holds the coffee filter in place.

Add the right amount of coffee powder. The lid of the glass coffee pot under the American electric drip coffee pot presses against this valve, and the coffee stays; remove the glass coffee pot, and it automatically closes. Coffee powder in steeping extract

Add the right amount of coffee powder.

The lid of the glass coffee pot under the American electric drip coffee pot presses against this valve, and the coffee stays; remove the glass coffee pot, and it automatically closes.

The coffee powder in the infusion extraction, with the appropriate resistance of coffee filter paper, can be evenly and moderately soaked.

Steam comes out of the hole, the more holes the better; buy Siemens washing machine free of the so-called value of 800 yuan brand Siemens drip coffee pot only one big hole, such coffee pot is more likely to lead to intermediate extraction transition edge extraction insufficient

Steam out of the hole, the more holes the better; buy Siemens washing machine with the so-called value of 800 yuan brand-name Siemens drip coffee pot only a large hole, such coffee pot is more likely to lead to intermediate extraction transition edge extraction insufficient.

Coffee extract from an american drip coffee pot.

Attention!! Water and coffee powder must be suitable, too much water, insufficient powder transition extraction is the effect of this "water bubble powder", it is best to have oil foam when the water is finished.

The extracted coffee powder.

After using coffee filter paper, the coffee brewed by American electric drip coffee pot is clearer and purer.

After use, coffee filters can be easily discarded and removed.