Coffee review

3 super wayward early spring special drinks when coffee meets cocktails

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, There's nothing better than a nice cup of coffee in the morning, it's just... Sometimes coffee becomes monotonous after drinking too much. At this point you need some new ideas, and even to some cruel! When the mellow coffee meets the alcohol above 40, can you imagine what kind of fireworks will collide between the two? It's such a wayward spring drink, you deserve it. 1. Classic Italian Martini Classic Espres

There's nothing better than a cup of espresso in the morning, it's just. Sometimes coffee is inevitably monotonous after drinking coffee for a long time. At this time, you need something new, and even a little ruthless! When mellow coffee encounters spirits with an alcohol content of more than 40%, how dare you imagine how the two will collide? It's such a wayward spring special drink that you deserve it.

Classic Italian martini Classic Espresso Martini

Espresso with domineering vodka! Does the thought of such a "combination of strong and strong forces" make people's scalp numb? Fortunately, the effect of the combination of the two is not as terrible as you think, of course, friends with a bad heart should not try.

Required materials:

1 oz vodka

1 ounce coffee liqueur

1 ounce espresso

Production method:

Pour the above ingredients into a shaking glass, shake well and pour into a martini glass. garnish with a little coffee.

2. Cold Angel Chata Chill

The entrance is a cool sweet moistening lips and teeth, with a little alcohol in the process, this special tune will not give you a sensation, but it is the freshest aftertaste in March.

Required materials:

3x4 oz cream wine

3x4 Italian hazelnut liqueur

5 ounces of coffee

Production method:

Pour the above ingredients into a shaking glass, shake well with ice and pour into a glass.

Irish sweetheart Irish Sweetheart

Just make a slight adjustment on the basis of traditional Irish coffee, it has the icing on the cake effect. One of the "hero" is nothing but brown sugar syrup and whipped cream, the point is: ultra-simple! If you don't believe me, look down.

Required materials:

1 1 pound 2 oz whisky

1 ounce brown sugar syrup

1pm 2oz whipped cream

Production method:

First of all, we want to make brown sugar syrup: put the same amount of water and brown sugar in the pot and heat until the sugar block disappears. Then, add the boiled syrup to the coffee and stir well. finally, pour in the whisky and gently spread a little whipped cream on top of the wine.

Source: YOKA Fashion Network