Coffee review

Flavor and taste characteristics of Panamanian coffee beans introduce what grade of Panamanian Rosa coffee and why it is so popular

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Coffee was first grown in America around the 1820s. Today, coffee farming occupies an extremely important economic position in Panama. The Republic of Panama was founded on November 3, 1903. The nearly century-old coffee factory is located in a charming dense rainforest valley. Coffee producing areas in Panama:

If you want to talk about the flavor of Panamanian coffee, you must immediately think of the citrus notes, floral aromas and rich berries of Jade Manor in summer. Since Rosa became famous in Panama, all manors have been growing Rosa Coffee, and Yunnan, China, has also grown Rosa Coffee. Although it is all rosy summer, the flavor is still different. Qianjie also told you that coffee is a crop, which naturally has a lot to do with the local environment, especially in summer. Rose summer is very picky about the growth environment, not only high altitude, but also shade trees. Panama's climate and environment are very consistent with the growth of rose summer, so the flavor of Panamanian rose summer coffee will be so excellent. in order to harvest the charming floral aroma, delicate acidity, rich taste. This is also not comparable to the rose summer of other manors, of course, the rose summer flavor of other manors is also very excellent, but the flavor is different.


Panama is located on the Panamanian isthmus in Central America, bounded by Colombia to the east, the Pacific Ocean to the south, Costa Rica to the west and the Caribbean Sea to the north. The territory is S-shaped to connect North and South America, and the Panama Canal connects the Atlantic and Pacific oceans from north to south. It is known as the "bridge of the world".

The coffee-growing areas of Panama are located in Boquet, Volcan, Santa Clara and Piedra de Candela in the west of the country, of which Poquet and Walken are the boutique coffee producing areas we hear most often. Both areas are located in Chiriki Provence, completely in the center of the coffee belt, with fertile volcanic soil and ancient forests. The whole territory of Panama is undulating, with vertical and horizontal valleys, mostly mountains except the north and south coastal plains. The earth is near the equator and belongs to tropical maritime climate. It is humid during the day and cool at night. The annual average temperature is 23-27C °. The whole year is divided into two seasons: drought and rain, with an average annual precipitation of 1500m3 2500mm.


Panamanian rosy summer coffee beans were found in the rose summer forest of Ethiopia in 1931. After being discovered, it was sent to the Coffee Institute in Kenya, where it was introduced to Uganda and Tanzania in 1936, Costa Rica in 1953 and Panama in 1970. In fact, not many people paid much attention to Rosa coffee beans at first. for a long time, Rosa coffee trees were only used as windbreaks. It was not until it met the Panamanian Emerald Manor that it became famous and well-known.

Pokuit producing area

Poquet Boquete is a town of Chiriqui in Chiriki province, located near the border between Panama and Costa Rica, near the famous Baru Baru volcano, the scenery is beautiful, the soil is fertile and the climate and soil are suitable for producing quality coffee.


The microclimate in the Poquet Heights of Panama is a unique and important resource for boutique coffee in the Pokuit region. The Panamanian environment from east to west allows cold air to converge above 6500 feet through the Central Mountains. This has caused a variety of microclimates in the Pokuit region, making its temperature and rainfall very suitable for plant growth, so the coffee trees planted here are growing very well. Coupled with the year-round shrouded in mist, abundant rainfall, creating good local coffee planting conditions, many excellent manors are built here. Such as Emerald Manor, Alida Manor, Duncan Manor.

Panamanian Jade Manor La ESmeralda Estate

When it comes to Panama, we must talk about the Emerald Manor. The Emerald Manor is located in the corner of the Baru volcano, so the Panamanian coffee beans produced in this area are mostly named after the Baru Mountains when they are not well known, and the area around Bouquete is scenic, with many leisure hotels, resort estates and even along the important river Rio Caldera. In 1964, Rudolph Peterson, an American banker, retired, moved to Panama and bought the emerald estate in Poquet, initially dominated by dairy.


After Price took over, according to altitude, microclimate, cup test performance and planting varieties, the manor planting area will be divided into five major brands to sell. There are three brands of Rosa Variety: jadeite Special selection (ESmeralda Special), Private Collection (Private Collection) and Rosa 1500 (Geisha1500). Kaduai has two brands: Diamond Hill (Diamond Mountain grows) and Pamela (Palmyra).

Jadeite Red Standard Rose Summer

The rosy summer specially selected by jadeite is the red sign we often hear. The rose beans, which are planted at 1600-1800 meters above sea level and with a cup test score of more than 90 points, are produced in two producing areas of Haramiyo (Jaramillo) and Canas Vidis (Canas Verdes). Due to the exquisite processing technology and strict quality control standards of the jadeite manor, the slow sun-drying batches of the red standard rose summer fruit is more mellow, with excellent sweetness and acidity, as well as the sweet fruit flavor and jasmine fragrance of rose summer.


Jadeite Green Standard Rose Summer

Private collection, commonly known as green standard, is not a batch of independent competitions, planting rose summer varieties that do not participate in bidding but are still of excellent quality. Micro-batch mixed beans from different plots such as Jaramillo and Canas Verdes were planted at 1600-1800 meters above sea level. Although the grade of green standard rose summer coffee beans is not as high as that of red standard rose summer coffee beans, it is clean and tends to the flavor and acidity of jasmine tea as a whole, while the green standard rose summer in the sun is sweet, sour and sweet, reminiscent of passion fruit and scented tea. Rosa in green-label batches is also washed or tanned.


Jadeite blue label rose summer

Rose summer 1500 this brand is our common blue standard rose summer. Plant mixed beans from three different plots, Jaramillo, Ca ñ as Verdess and El Velo, at 1400-1500 meters above sea level. Flavor micro-flower fragrance, fruit acid, taste is not thick! Blue standard rose summer can only be washed with water. However, since 2021, Emerald Manor has adjusted its Rosa Coffee classification, and the Blue label batch (Geisha 1500) has been cancelled at the beginning of this year's 2021 production season.


Qianjie believes that washing, as one of the most traditional methods of raw bean treatment, not only makes the quality of coffee production more stable, but also makes Rosa Rosa more clean and fresh. After baking, Qianjie feels the elegant white flower aroma of rose summer, rising citrus and lemon acidity, with a slight flavor of green tea, as if drinking a cup of soft Tieguanyin tea.

Alida Manor

Alida is a famous coffee estate in Panama with a history of 100 years. The coffee is of high quality and is located in Pokuit, a well-known boutique coffee producing area in Panama. Last year, one of Alida's Rose Summer Coffee beans won the first place in the Rose Summer processing Group of the BOP Competition. Qianjie Coffee chose Arida Rose Summer on the same plot and at the same altitude for tasting. Compared with the rosy summer coffee beans of the Emerald Manor, it is found that due to the different treatment methods, the hierarchy of Arida Rosa is more complicated than that of Panama Rose.


Erida Manor has a total area of 65 hectares, more than half of which is within Baru Volcano National Park, only 30 hectares are used for planting coffee trees, and the rest are virgin forests. Coffee is grown from 1670 to 1850 meters above sea level and is one of two coffee estates at high elevations in Panama (the other is located at Carmen in the Vulcan Valley. )

At such a high altitude, low temperatures delay the ripening of coffee berries, about a month later than normal. The fertile volcanic soil provides sufficient nutrients for coffee, coupled with the good microclimate brought by the Baru volcano, and the owner's original ASD slow anaerobic sun treatment process, Alida Manor has been able to achieve good results in cup test competitions.

Front street Panamanian Alida coffee flavor: fermented aroma, roses, berries, citrus, green tea, cream, nuts.

After Rosa became famous, various producing areas began to compete for introduction and planting, but even if it is the same variety, different local climate will produce different quality and flavor of coffee. Qianjie Coffee believes that Panama is a famous place for Rose Summer, and the Rosa Summer Coffee produced by mature planting techniques and processing techniques is still a guarantee for the industry, so Qianjie launched a Pokuit Rose Summer Coffee, which is treated with water. I hope you can have a taste of the classic Rose Summer flavor.


The Panamanian water-washed Pokuit Rose Summer Coffee in front of the street has a clear acidity of citrus, lemon and bergamot, with a creamy and smooth taste when swallowing, and the sweetness of green tea and honey at the end.


For those who want to taste the flavor of rosy summer coffee, Panamanian butterflies in front street with rosy summer coffee is also a very good choice. Panamanian Flower Butterfly is a particularly cost-effective Panamanian coffee bean with 70% Rosa pedigree. It is composed of Rosa, Kaddura and Kaduai. It is planted in the Baru volcano region of Pokuit and grows in the volcanic area at an altitude of 1600 meters. The treatment plant uses fine washing treatment. The special local microclimate of Panama leads to abundant rainfall and a large temperature difference between day and night, coupled with the unique volcanic soil in the volcanic area, as well as meticulous harvesting and fine treatment. make this coffee excellent in thickness, acidity and floral fragrance.

Why is Panamanian rosy summer coffee so popular?

The microclimate of Panama is very suitable for growing Rosa Coffee, so the flavor of Panamanian Rosa Coffee is delicious compared with that of other producing countries. Panamanian rose coffee tastes like a cup of fruit tea instead of coffee. Because the coffee shows a rich and elegant aroma of flowers, citrus, peach, compound fruit full of acidity, creamy taste, aftertaste with the sweet aroma of oolong tea, exquisite flavor performance makes people feel not like drinking coffee, but tasting a cup of fragrant fruit tea.


Although Panamanian Emerald Manor is famous for its rosy summer coffee, other estates also have good rosy summer coffee. Of course, you don't have to drink rosy summer coffee. Everyone likes it differently. Maybe coffee from other producing areas is more suitable for you? If you are not sure, you can consider tasting beans from the food rations in the front street to choose your favorite taste. The rations beans in front of the street are representatives of coffee from various producing countries, and they are all very cost-effective coffee.

Parameters for brewing rosy summer coffee in Qianjie:

Filter cup: Hario V 60, water temperature: 91 ℃, powder content: 15g, ratio of powder to water: 1:15, degree of grinding: medium and fine grinding (Chinese standard No. 20 sieve pass rate 80%)


Qianjie adopts segmented extraction, that is, three-stage water injection method, using 30g water to steam for 30s, the first small flow is injected around the circle to 125g water cut off, and the second stage water injection is continued when the liquid level is about to expose the powder layer. the total extraction time (calculated time from the beginning of water injection) is 225g.


Qianjie coffee brewing suggestion:

If you want to make a good cup of coffee, you need not only the variety of coffee, but also the freshness of coffee beans. Qianjie believes that the freshness of coffee beans is a very important part of brewing. The coffee beans shipped in Qianjie are all roasted within 5 days, because Qianjie is well aware that the freshness of coffee beans has a great impact on the flavor. The purpose of Qianjie roasting is "freshly roasted coffee", so that every guest who places an order is the freshest coffee when he receives it. The bean cultivation period of coffee is about 4-7 days, so when the guest gets it, it is the time when the flavor is the best.

Of course, there are some customers who need help grinding powder in front of the street, which doesn't matter, but Qianjie has to warn: if the coffee beans are ground ahead of time, there is no need to raise the beans, because in the process of transportation, the pressure caused by carbon dioxide in the package can also make the coffee flavor mellow, so when you receive the coffee powder, you can immediately make a cup of coffee drink. But the coffee powder needs to be brewed in time, because the coffee powder oxidizes more quickly after contact with the air, that is to say, the flavor of the coffee will dissipate more quickly, and the flavor of the coffee is not so good. Therefore, Qianjie suggests buying whole beans, grinding and flushing now, so that we can better taste the flavor of coffee.

Professional coffee knowledge exchange more coffee bean information please follow the coffee workshop (Wechat official account cafe_style)

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