Coffee review

The coffee shop runs the coffee time of Tang and Tang.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Not long ago, Tang Tang's coffee shop advertised an one-dollar advertisement for drinking black coffee, and several vegetarian practitioners in the town could not help but tempt them to drink it. Everyone tasted the heavy Mantenin and replaced it with the soft flower-scented Yejia Xuefei. There are less than 100 baristas qualified as Q-Grader (Coffee quality appraisers) in China, and one has lived in seclusion in a small town, which is an eye-opener. Big

Not long ago, Tang Tang's coffee shop advertised "one yuan is open to drink black coffee." several vegetarian practitioners in the town could not help but tempt them to drink. Everyone tasted the heavy Mantenin and replaced it with the soft flower-scented Yejia Xuefei. There are less than 100 baristas qualified as Q-Grader (Coffee quality appraisers) in China, and one has lived in seclusion in a small town, which is an eye-opener. Everyone had a good drink, and the barista was the happiest. "I didn't expect that a lot of people began to like black coffee."

For those who like soft and sour taste, Tang Tang brewed Yejia Xuefei in Ethiopia, injected boiling water vertically into the small hole in the center of the coffee powder with a thin-mouth pot, slowly rose from the center to the coffee powder level, turned outward, swirled with water, and stopped when approaching the filter paper. at this time, the coffee powder expands, which is a symbol of fresh coffee beans, stop stewing for a while and let the coffee powder fully absorb water. Then hold the coffee pot and pour water steadily from the inside to the outside.

While brewing, Tang Tang introduced the relationship between the origin, environmental habits and taste of various coffees: Yejia Sheffield is the hometown of Arabica coffee from a small town full of flowers in Ethiopia, where the coffee flowers are full of fragrance. Baristas use medium-shallow roasting to retain the fragrance, and better medium-shallow roasting is often accompanied by a soft sour taste.

Coffee gives people a strong "circle" flavor, and the preference for a certain kind of coffee vaguely reveals a certain taste of life.

It has been three or five years since people began to drink black coffee in China. "just like people who like milk tea when they are young, they like pure tea when they grow up." Tang Tang said that going back to the more gentle and natural methods of baking and filtering, removing the extra taste stimulation and leaving only the simple taste driven by plants and fire is the reason why more and more people like black coffee.

British barista James Hoffman defines fine coffee as "the quality fraction of raw coffee beans is indispensable to the barista's craftsmanship". In Tang Tang's view, after coffee is harvested, the quality of taste and taste depends to a large extent on the quality of baristas, in which the order of importance of various abilities is taste, baking skills, brewing.

Taste includes the barista's understanding of coffee. in order to properly show the original taste of coffee, baristas need to adopt different baking curves according to the characteristics of beans. "just like stir-frying, some dishes are suitable for quick stir-frying and some are suitable for slow stewing over low heat. Wait for baking, open for a few hours, dissipate the heat, and pack the next day."

Before systematically learning coffee tasting, Tang Tang drank coffee simply because he liked it. After becoming a coffee tasting expert, because we want to choose coffee from the point of view of different customers, we should not put too much emphasis on personal preferences, treat each kind of coffee objectively, know its tonality, and convey the information to coffee drinkers objectively and accurately through roasting and brewing.

The Q-Grader qualification examination is extremely difficult. Taking taste testing as an example, people who are determined to become baristas need to distinguish the three levels of sour, sweet and salty flavors, and then take sour taste discrimination as an example. Learners are required to identify organic acids such as acetic acid, phosphoric acid, citric acid and malic acid, while olfactory ability testing includes the discrimination and definition of 36 odors.

Through the smell observation and memory of the experience of things, want to be interesting, concrete and mysterious, fleeting. Tang Tang usually trains himself to smell all kinds of flavors with his eyes closed, such as fruit, medicine, spices, soil or food. the taste of the world is rich and subtle and needs to be constantly reviewed and defined in language.

Get ready to open the shop at 08:30 every day, taste the coffee and see the state of the coffee beans that day. The students come at about ten o'clock. If there are coffee beans baked overnight, do a cup test, if not, start teaching, bake coffee beans in the afternoon, and get off work at six o'clock on time. This is Tang Tang's daily routine.

Beans have different characteristics in each period of time. Tang Tang starts to try the taste of coffee beans every morning. The better the quality of beans, the shorter the shelf life. Excellent baristas advocate fresh baking. Tang Tang uses Wechat to communicate with the guests and understand the taste requirements before baking. The most recent baking was the day before yesterday, when I baked Mantenin and Brazil, and made an espresso mix for the guests' coffee shop. The beans were raised on the way out. When they arrived, the beans were not only fresh, but also almost tasted. It's the best time to taste.