Coffee review

A summary of common sense of coffee

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The three biggest drinks in the world are coffee, tea and cola.

The three biggest drinks in the world are coffee, tea and cola. Coffee is a kind of drink, which gives the public the impression of black bitterness and excitement after drinking it. Four flavors and one fragrance of coffee? Four flavors and one fragrance: fragrance, bitterness, acidity and sweetness. The color of coffee: Amber (coffee bean color: dark brown) the function of coffee: drinking a kind of beverage with excited feeling, refreshing and relieving alcohol, eliminating fatigue, improving heart function, activating digestive organs and so on. The life of coffee: aroma is the life of coffee, and it can best represent the production process and roasting technology of coffee. Coffee ingredients: caffeine, tannin, fatty acids, protein, sugar, moisture and other minerals.

The inventor of Saifeng: Rob, an Englishman. Napia; the inventor of the Italian pot: Richard the Italian. The name of Sabah COFFEE: Arab doctor Rajestine; the world's first coffee shop is in Istanbul, Turkey. The brewing method of coffee: 1. Siphon 2. Italian style 3. Water drop type 4. Filter paper brewing type 5. Flannel strainer 6. Evellik 7. Coffee permeates the pot.

Coffee planting distribution: coffee is distributed near the equator, tropical and subtropical regions. It is widely distributed in South America, Central America, West Indies, Asia, Africa, Arabia, South Pacific and Oceania. Brazil leads the world in coffee production, accounting for about 30 per cent, followed by Colombia, accounting for about 10 per cent. Taking Central and South America as the center accounts for 60%, followed by Africa and Arabia accounting for about 30%, and the remaining 10% are distributed in most islands in Asia. Coffee belongs to the subject: Akana evergreen shrubs. The growing environment of coffee trees: it is generally planted on the slope of hills with an elevation of about 300-2500 meters or in gardens with fruit trees. Sunshade trees, banana trees, mango trees, sunflower trees and so on.

Coffee tree conditions: plenty of sunshine, Rain Water abundant, annual rainfall of about 1500-2000 mm, the average temperature of about 20 ℃, no temperature difference, cold, dry hot wind, frost, snow, direct sunlight for a long time. The growth characteristics of coffee trees: wild coffee trees can grow to about 8 meters, while coffee trees in agricultural gardens cut their height to about two meters in order to ensure the quality of coffee beans and facilitate management and harvesting. Generally, it begins to bear fruit 3-5 years after sowing, and 5-20 years is the harvest time. A coffee tree can bear about 3-5 kilograms of coffee cherries, and coffee beans account for only 11 percent of cherries.

The three original species of coffee: Arabica species: native to Elaraby Sinia (now Ethiopia) planted in the highlands, the quality is the top of the three original species. Robbda seed: native to Africa, Congo, strong disease resistance, high temperature resistance, is easier to grow lowland coffee, slightly less fruit, accounting for about 30% of the world's output, strong flavor, mostly used to brew instant coffee. Liberica: native to Liberia in Africa, its cultivation history is later than that of Arabica, light and strong in flavor.