Coffee review

Common sense of roasting coffee beans Anti Gua Hua Shen Coffee Baking

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Antigua, Guatemala-Guatemala Antigua-La Flor, the god of flowers, has a supple floral fragrance with citrus fruit acidity and sweetness, and its unique floral smell is just like the name of Flower God. Obvious bourbon appearance, although last year's beans, but the preservation of raw beans is very good, the smell of beans is relatively fresh, there is no other bad taste. Defective beans are almost zero, but they can.

Antigua, Guatemala-Flower God

Guatemala Antigua-La Flor

Supple floral aroma, with citrus fruit sweet and sour taste, its unique floral smell, just like the name "flower god".

Obvious bourbon appearance, although last year's beans, but the preservation of raw beans is very good, the smell of beans is relatively fresh, there is no other bad taste.

Defective beans are almost zero, but individual round beans can be seen.

Once the explosion is over, glide for 1 minute under the beans!

Raw bean details:

[product name]: Guatemala Antigua La Flor del Cafe

[country]: Guatemala

[producing area]: Antigua

[marked] Flower God (La Flor del Cafe)

[processing plant]: Las Pastores beneficio

[harvest time]: March 2009

[treatment]: washing and fermentation, sunlight and then low temperature drying in the latter stage.

[outside view]: green, od/350g

[varieties]: Bourbon is the main

[class]: SHB

Cup test data: (courtesy of Osher)

The information of Flower God in 2009 is as follows: the beans are in the middle of the explosion, and the baking time is 12 minutes.

[dried incense]: floral, clean and delicate aroma of alpine fir, tea, sweet melons, almonds, flowers, vanilla plants, cream, lemon.

[wet incense]: Alpine Cunninghamia lanceolata, caramel, sweet melon, flower, hazelnut chocolate, oolong tea, California plum, vanilla, almonds and caramel, honey.


Creamy fat, very clean, tea flavor is obvious, sweet grapefruit, red wine, sweet and sour delicate, nut chocolate, sour and changeable, you can feel the flower aroma stuck in the nasal cavity, sweet taste, in the aftertaste, the greasy feeling is still good, and with chocolate nuts sweet and sour, as a whole, delicate with a variety of taste changes.