Coffee review

The technique of making Coffee the method of making Rosa Coffee by pressing the Pot

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Powder quantity: 30g extraction quantity: 350cc soaking time: 1 minute water temperature: 88 degrees by the way, Bird's French pressure kettle looks like Japanese hario, but Bird pioneered the modification of the core filter. Using Swiss gold to modify it (most coffee players know that Swiss gold is a very good filter) cutting good Swiss gold into a filter looks a pity, but it is made

Powder content: 30g

Extraction amount: 350cc

Soaking time: 1 minute

Water temperature: 88 degrees

By the way, Bird's French pressure kettle looks like a Japanese hario, but Bird pioneered the modification of the core filter screen.

Using Swiss gold modified (most coffee players know that Swiss gold is a very good filter) it seems a pity to cut good Swiss gold into a filter, but the taste can be greatly improved as a player why not do it! The silver pot next to it belongs to the British old Sheffield and was bought by the British grocery store. It should also have a history of more than a hundred years. I would like to introduce it by the way if you think it is very beautiful.

Take a look at the modified filter net bar which is golden.

Taste: I have always thought that French pressure is more suitable for beans with rich taste and low style, such as Mantenin, because in most cases, the taste will be a little "boring".

But brewing rose summer got quite bright acidity, the whole acidity is very high, there is no low feeling, but there is a strong sweetness, the aftertaste is very long with strong cocoa aroma, which is not a small surprise. There is still a lack of tension in the aroma, but strong enough is a unique style.