Coffee review

Hawaii: the only coffee field left in the United States

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, There are a total of 132 islands in the Hawaiian Islands, of which eight are currently inhabited, all of which are basically made up of ocean islands and volcanic islands. Without volcanoes, there would be no Hawaii today. However, there are only two active volcanoes in the Hawaiian islands today, and they continue to contribute to the development of Hawaii. Of the 50 states in the United States, Hawaii serves as

There are a total of 132 islands in the Hawaiian Islands, of which eight are currently inhabited, all of which are basically made up of ocean islands and volcanic islands. Without volcanoes, there would be no Hawaii today. However, there are only two active volcanoes in the Hawaiian islands today, and they continue to contribute to the development of Hawaii. Of the 50 states in the United States, Hawaii, as part of the United States, has several peculiarities: it is the only place on American territory where coffee can be grown, is completely surrounded by water, and has the only palace ruins.

Hawaii was an important producer of sandalwood in the early 19th century, where Honolulu, also known as Honolulu, originated. It is said that the locals are still bitter about the Chinese today, saying that the Chinese have dug up all the sandalwood trees here in one breath, so that no sandalwood tree can be found in Hawaii today. In the mid-19th century, supplying whaling ships in the Pacific became a major industry in Hawaii. in the 20th century, agriculture supported by pineapple and sugar jumped to Hawaii's largest industry, and in the 1940s and 1960s, American consumption at military bases in Hawaii became the main pillar of the local economy. Today, tourism has also become the pillar industry of the economy here.

Honolulu means "plain" in Hawaiian dialect. After Hawaii became the 50th state in the United States in 1959, it became the seat of the federal government, the state government of Hawaii and Honolulu. Honolulu, as the capital of Hawaii, has less natural scenery than other islands. However, there are still many government agencies here as scenic spots to see. The Capitol Building of Hawaii, which has been the seat of the state government of Hawaii since 1969. There are eight pillars on each side of the parliament building, which means that the eight islands are inhabited.

In the Ali Iorani Palace, built in 1872, there is a statue of the first king Kamehameha on the lawn, which at least shows that the locals still miss King Kamehameha I of Hawaii and respect him. Across the street is the Ali Ilani Palace, which was built in 1876 and completed in 1882, with one floor underground and two floors above ground. Have a big lawn, in a green embrace, there is a coronation pavilion, several big trees like several huge "umbrellas", shelter from the wind and rain. This is a very tropical plant with the characteristics of Hawaii. There is no reason not to take pictures of these features.

Chinatown in Hawaii used to be the largest "Chinatown" for Chinese people overseas. Chinese people came to Hawaii earlier than Americans. In 1779, Chinese people came to develop and work on farms. Between 1852 and 1882, nearly 50,000 Chinese came to work. At that time, Chinatown was the largest Chinatown in the world. Because the buildings in Chinatown are made of wood and connected, in 1900, a fire destroyed not only Chinatown, but also more than half of Honolulu. After being rebuilt, Chinatown is also much smaller, equivalent to 1/4 of what it used to be. However, the "Chinatown" I have seen in Hawaii today is not small. At present, it is mainly bought and sold food and vegetable markets, which can basically meet the daily necessities and food needs of local Chinese. To be fair, the environment in and around China is not very good, not paying attention to hygiene, and it is also very noisy. Perhaps, the Chinese should say that this is our habit.

If you drive around the island, you can see some of the natural scenery of Ohu Island. The air here is very good, turn off the cold air conditioner in the car, open the window, there is enough oxygen outside, so that the lungs can be fully ventilated. Although the quality of sleep is not very good, the spirit is OK, and I have not slept in once in Hawaii. The good air here is also due to the continuous clear sea breeze blowing from the Pacific Ocean. The temperature and humidity in Hawaii are milder than in other tropical regions. The daytime temperature in December is around 26 degrees Celsius, making it a good season for tourism all year round. A dark cloud just came, and the raindrops just floated down, and disappeared before they could close the window. Therefore, no one uses umbrellas in Hawaii; even in the sun, no one uses umbrellas. If someone is holding an umbrella, nine times out of ten, that person is a tourist from Chinese mainland.

The sea breeze is clean and cool, not a trace of fishy smell. It's not like I feel sticky on Hainan Island. Located in the southeast of Oahu Island, there is a "Hanauma" which means curved. Because the whole bay is shaped like being surrounded by a giant dragon, it is called Dinosaur Bay in Chinese. There are many coral reefs and tropical fish here, which is the best place for diving and watching fish. Most of the tourists here come from the residents of Ouhu Island.

There is a beach known as the undersea fountain, which is also worth seeing, which is what the locals call the fountain hole. Every time a wave surges towards the shore, after hitting the reef, there is a gas eruption under the reef through the reef's pores, sometimes a gas is very high, sometimes a column of water. The locals call it the "undersea fountain", which is the mouth of the magical sea fountain.

When driving in the rainforest of Ohu Island, there will be a strange ramp. Is to make you sit in the car and feel that there will be a misjudgment, that is, you are walking up the ramp? Or did you take the downhill? I obviously feel like I'm going down the ramp, but I need to step on the throttle, and after turning, I obviously feel like I'm going up the ramp, but I need to brake. What weird ramp did we take? It is said that every time people come here, they will feel misjudged.

Take a look at the tuyere of the Hawaiian National Reserve. Standing on the observation platform of the tuyere, you can have a look at the smaller cities in the north of Ouhu Island. This used to be the battlefield of the last cruel war in Hawaii during the unification period. The chief of Oahu Island fought all the way from Honolulu with his resistants. in the end, he was defeated in a bloody battle here, and many of the resistance jumped to his death. The Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 was also carried out through a large tuyere and flew close to the sea level to Pearl Harbor on Ohu Island. Locals often say that the tuyere here is weird and gloomy. It is said that because of the monsoon, because the mountains are blocked between two almost symmetrical mountains, a natural vent is formed in the middle, which converges and increases when it reaches here; whenever there is a strong wind blowing in the Pacific Ocean, a hurricane will form a hurricane to pass through a large "tuyere", thus forming a large tuyere. According to the introduction, there was a young man and woman who fell in love, and then they didn't talk well, and the young woman jumped out of here in a fit of anger. Unexpectedly, a strong wind blew her up again from below. I have no way to verify this story. I just heard it. At ordinary times, the wind is very strong here, but there is not a trace of wind today.

The tour around the island also makes people feel as if time and space crisscross, allowing tourists to unveil the rich layers of Hawaii, which makes it worthwhile to travel here. There are very different features in different directions of the island. Oahu Island has a mountain with a watershed, which makes your windward northeast slope rich in precipitation, more tropical rain forest, while the leeward southwest slope is dry and less rainy, mostly savanna. In front of many beaches, because the waves have become a paradise for surfers all over the world, the color of the sea will change to varying degrees of blue with geographical changes. at each corner you can feel a brand new Pacific Ocean and different natural scenery.