Coffee review

The common types of coffee are generally the ones we usually have.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, General coffee we are common are: instant coffee, such as Nestle (in fact, the earliest contact with coffee is mostly from the instant), brewing is simple, mixed with hot water, but lack the richness and change of taste; it has been reported that instant coffee contains more carcinogens. At present, the most common thing in China is instant coffee, which is usually called three-in-one coffee. Instant coffee multi-purpose coffee

In general, coffee is common to us:

Instant coffee, such as Nestl é (in fact, most of the first people who come into contact with coffee start with instant), it is easy to brew and mix it with hot water, but it lacks rich and varied taste; it has been reported that instant coffee contains more carcinogens.

At present, the most common thing in China is instant coffee, which is usually called three-in-one coffee. Instant coffee is often made from the peel of coffee beans, which is mixed into coffee pulp and dried into powder. Instant coffee contains much more caffeine than single coffee, with a ratio of about 16:1.)

Single coffee, black coffee usually refers to the single coffee made by the filter method, in a broader sense, all the pure coffee without other ingredients can be called black coffee. It is the black one, divided into Blue Mountain, Brazil, Mantenin, etc., usually brewed in a mocha coffee pot (made of stainless steel or aluminum, divided into two parts) or a glass siphon coffee pot (upper and lower glass balls). Usually only a relatively high-quality single variety of coffee is suitable for making single (single variety) coffee.

(personally, I think the mocha pot is suitable for comprehensive coffee, which can easily lead to the over-extraction of coffee beans and destroy the unique flavor and taste of single coffee.)

Espresso Italian espresso, made with a professional larger espresso coffee machine, has a strong flavor and is generally packed in a special thick small cup, with a small portion and a concentrated essence! It's equivalent to Kungfu Tea in coffee. A good espresso has a thick layer of creamy substance called crema Klima, and the best has a tan ointment leopard print, which belongs to the essence of coffee essence.

Having said that, I'm not used to such a strong taste yet, or maybe I haven't tasted really high-quality espresso yet. Hehe ~)

Traditional fancy coffee, generally based on espresso espresso, is made with milk foam, syrup, cinnamon, etc., such as cappuccino, milk (latte), mochagino, caramel macchiato, Herbalife and so on.

A variety that is more popular in cafes at present. It is also a drink that everyone can adapt to. Of course, there are some more high-end fancy coffee, such as Viennese coffee, cinnamon coffee and so on. And alcohol: Irish Coffee, Royal Coffee, Alexander Coffee, etc.)