Coffee review

"Tea House Coffee Bar" Klima: take you to enjoy your leisure time

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Put away the warm sunshine. In recent days, Guang'an has begun to drizzle. The reporter suggested that friends who want to go out for an outing and enjoy a beautiful spring might as well change their plans and go to Klima Cafe on Xing'an Lower Street in the south of the city to sit for a while and order a cup of fragrant and mellow coffee. Enjoy your leisurely time. The long aftertaste of Carrot-Flavoured Egg-Milk juice Klima coffee makes you enjoy a romance.

Put away the warm sunshine. In recent days, Guang'an has begun to drizzle. The reporter suggested that friends who want to go out for an outing and enjoy a beautiful spring might as well change their plans and go to Klima Cafe on Xing'an Lower Street in the south of the city to sit for a while and order a cup of fragrant and mellow coffee. Enjoy your leisurely time.

Carrot-Flavoured Egg-Milk juice with a long aftertaste

Klima Coffee gives you a romantic "Roman holiday."

Coffee takes you to Rome.

Many friends must have seen Roman Holiday. I wonder if you have ever quietly sketched such a picture in your mind: one day, you also become a beautiful Princess Anne, or a lucky journalist Joe, wandering in the streets of Rome. While enjoying the beautiful scenery, you meet your close lover.

A holiday in Rome may be an extravagant hope for many people, but the Roman coffee at Klima Cafe can make your dream come true to some extent. Roman coffee is a very special Italian coffee, in addition to its taste is more mellow than other coffee, barista also creatively added a piece of lemon, light lemon freshness and coffee mellow perfect combination, straight to your taste buds. At this time, gently close your eyes, melodious piano music came from your ears, imagine you are sitting in the open-air coffee on the streets of Rome, holding a beautiful coffee cup in one hand and gently holding your cheek in the other, quietly watching the raindrops falling in the sky, as well as groups of gentlemen and ladies passing by, enjoying your "Roman Holiday".

Carrot-Flavoured Egg-Milk juice has a long aftertaste

When you come to Klima Cafe, be sure to taste their signature juice, Carrot-Flavoured Egg-Milk juice. The shop barista told reporters that carrot egg milk is a nutritious, delicious, eye-pleasing fruit juice, very suitable for women to drink. "in addition, the materials are easy to find, and the preparation method is simple. Girls can DIY as soon as they learn, and everyone can DIY at home. Every day, they carefully prepare a glass of Carrot-Flavoured Egg-Milk juice to make themselves more and more beautiful day by day." He said.

Carrot-Flavoured Egg-Milk juice is extremely simple to make. First, pour an appropriate amount of pure milk into the cup, add some fructose made from granulated sugar and lemon, stir well, put in an egg yolk, and stir hard again until the yolk is integrated with the milk. Then squeeze the washed carrots into juice, slowly pour down along a bar spoon (chopsticks can also be), let it be slowly led into the cup, gently float on the surface of the egg milk, a cup of yellowish bottom and orange Carrot-Flavoured Egg-Milk juice is done. Looking at this beautiful drink in front of him, the reporter eagerly picked up the straw and tasted it, feeling that it was sweet but not greasy, thick but not thick, with a sweet taste permeated in the mouth for a long time and a long aftertaste.

Reasonable zoning, leisure and entertainment do not interfere with each other

The outer wall of Klima is a light goose yellow, which is covered by a few green plants, making it a little more quiet in the noisy world. Gently push open the door, dim lights, melodious music, fragrant coffee immediately rushed in, let you in and then reluctant to leave.

Miss Feng, a staff member of the store, told reporters that Klima has two floors, with a coffee shop on the first floor for coffee lovers to enjoy their romantic time, and a recreation hall on the second floor with ten elegant rooms where guests can enjoy their leisure time.

After listening to the introduction, the reporter went up and saw in the elegant room on the second floor that mahjong tables, televisions, coffee tables and sofas were neatly arranged, making people feel clean and comfortable. Miss Feng said: "through the separate floors of our coffee shop and entertainment hall, coupled with the sound insulation measures in the elegant room, consumers who come to us for coffee do not have to worry about the sound of chess and cards disturbing the silence." (intern Wu Jiao Wen / photo)