Coffee review

Coffee is a healthy drink second only to boiled water.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Coffee is a healthy drink second only to plain boiled water. If adults are used to using coffee instead of alcoholic drinks, they can save their lives. Drinking coffee in moderation can prevent depression, alcoholism, obesity and glycosuria.

Coffee is a healthy drink second only to plain boiled water. If adults are used to using coffee instead of alcoholic drinks, they can save their lives. Drinking coffee in moderation can prevent depression, alcoholism, obesity, diabetes, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and cancer. At the same time, coffee is also a drink to ignite creativity. Many artists and writers like it.

The Arabs first grew coffee. With the continuous enjoyment of coffee, the Islamic Empire developed the highest level of civilization and culture in the world at that time. At a time when Europe is still mired in ignorance and barbarism, and when most people are still illiterate and uncivilized, Islamists have begun to build schools and libraries on a large scale.

Coffee can be drunk not only at home, but also in public cafes. Coffee shops are so popular that people often patronize them to participate in a variety of social activities. They not only drink coffee and talk, but also listen to music, watch performances, play chess and keep abreast of the latest news of the day. As a result, cafes soon became an important center for the exchange of information, often referred to as "schools for the wise".

Coffee was introduced into England in 1610. The cafe culture has been carried forward. Part of the reason is the need of the emerging middle class: civil servants and businessmen need to keep their brains, not their limbs, awake. By 1663, there were 82 cafes in London, and by 1700 there were more than 500. In a sense, the popularity of coffee made London the cultural and economic center at that time. The London Cafe, which costs only a penny for entry, has become a hotbed of thought for writers, politicians, businessmen and scientists who discuss and spread the news here. Big cafes even publish their own newsletters. In the 18th century, the first English newspaper appeared in a cafe and was read aloud. Therefore, the prosperity of the cafe culture that inspires thinkers to make progress is considered to be the beginning of truly informed public opinion. (from "101 reasons for Coffee innocence")