Coffee review

Know coffee utensils-French presser French Press

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Section 1: the historical cognitive instrument of the French pressure kettle-the French pressure kettle, which can also be called the tea maker-French Press. As early as 30 years ago, Alfred Peet, founder of PeetPeets Coffee Tea, a famous roaster in the Berkeley district of the West Coast of the United States, made every effort to promote this convenient, fast and effective way of brewing. Pitt believes that the only way to use

Section one: the history of the French kettle

Know the utensils-the French kettle, or call it the tea maker-French Press. As early as 30 years ago, Alfred Peet, the founder of PeetPeet's Coffee & Tea, a famous roaster in the Berkeley district of the West Bank of the United States, made every effort to promote this convenient, fast and effective brewing method. Pitt believes that only the use of French pressure can perfectly demonstrate the charming and mellow flavor of deep-roasted coffee. The piston pot method is called the pressurization method in France, the Metro method in the United States and the coffee pot method in Europe, which is a quite good method of coffee blending. Many people like to make coffee in this way because it preserves all the flavor of ground coffee beans, but it is difficult to do so in other ways, which will make the coffee taste like filter paper. The piston pot is said to have been invented in 1933 by an Italian named Kahliman who sold designs and patents to Switzerland in order to escape Italy during the war. The method of using a piston kettle is very simple. Preheat the pot first. Put in the roasted coffee (about 5 grams per cup), add hot water and stir, soak for 4-5 minutes, then push down the stainless steel piston with mesh to separate the coffee powder from the liquid, and finally pour the coffee juice from the piston pot.

Section 2: my opinion on the French pressure pot

In fact, French press is also a very personality, very simple, but also full of fun, more practical things. French press has always been said to be the best endorsement of lazy coffee coffeemaker, which is an authentic tea filling machine in China, which is often ignored by DIYers BS+. However, frenchpress still has a large group of followers. Since it is called frenchpress, it must be related to the simplicity and romance of French people. Fans of frenchpress all said that frenchpress is the maker that can best reflect the original flavor of coffee, because it can bloom the original aroma of coffee in the simplest way.

Section 3: the characteristics of the French kettle

It's not expensive! No consumables]

Take the best quality Japanese glass king (HARIO) heat-resistant glass French pressure on the market as an example, the basic style market price is only a few hundred yuan, itself does not need filter paper and other consumption materials, careful care and use, can easily reach more than ten years of service life.

[small size, suitable for carrying travel]

French pressure is very light, weighing only more than 100 grams, during the trip, as long as there is hot water and coffee powder (or coffee beans and compact grinder) can enjoy a cup of mellow coffee at any time! George, founder of Coffee relationship (Coffee Connection) and famous in American boutique coffee industry. George Howell must take French pressure and coffee beans with him when he travels to make sure he can enjoy a good cup of coffee wherever he goes.

[easy to use, easy to clean]

"anyone can learn how to brew an espresso with French pressure in 30 seconds. "it performs particularly well with high-quality deep-roasted coffee beans, as long as 1. 5%. Grind the powder and pour in, 2. Flush hot water, 3. Soak for two minutes, 4. Press the pressure bar and pour it out, you can easily enjoy a good cup of coffee!

French pressure cleaning is very easy, rinse the kettle body and filter element after use, and place natural shade to dry! It takes only 20 seconds to complete the cleaning, which is called "one of the easiest coffee equipment in the world to clean and maintain".

[the best partner for full-bodied, deep-roasted coffee]

Why is the coffee made with French pressure so full-bodied? The answer is simple. French pressure uses the most direct coffee extraction principle-soaking-filtration, and uses a metal (a few brands use plastic) filter, so that the oil and aromatic substances extracted from coffee can pass through the filter unhindered. This characteristic is especially prominent when paired with deep-roasted coffee beans, which can fully show the slippery, sweet, complex and rich characteristics of deep-roasted coffee.

Playing French pressure is the easiest time to control, the same situation of beans, grinding, different water temperature of different time has different effects. Generally speaking, the longer the time, the stronger the taste, but it is prone to bitterness, astringency and miscellaneous taste. However, when the five major factors of playing coffee change, controlling time will have unexpected results (for example, deep-roasted beans will get great aroma and sweetness by controlling shorter time. Light-roasted beans need a little more time to extract acidity and aroma). Playing French pressure control time is the most readily available, play to see, there will be a lot of gains!

two。 To observe the condition of beans, because French pressure is the easiest equipment to concentrate on the condition of beans. You can look at the amount of yellow foam (crema) of coffee after contact with water, and the coffee suspended on the surface of the water slowly sinks, observing these phenomena can not only learn more about beans, but also have a better understanding of other equipment.

Section 4: the use process of the French kettle

1. Pour hot water into the glass and measure the temperature with a thermometer. (generally, you can try between 80 and 90 ℃ for roasted coffee.)

two。 Pour in the coffee powder and gently stir with a stirring stick to mix the coffee powder with hot water.

3. Observe the surface of the powder layer. If the surface of the powder layer is dry, stir with a stirring rod.

4. If you see that about 80% of the powder layer sinks, you can press the pressure bar.

5. If you don't like the fine powder pressed by France, you can use filter paper to filter out the fine powder.

Section 5: advanced equipment

1. "thermometer": a good helper to control the temperature. After entering the hot water, you can use the thermometer to measure the water temperature in the powder.

2. "stirring stick": another way to play French pressure is not to use a pressure bar to mix coffee and water, but to stir it after a period of time.

3. "filter paper and filter cup": if you don't like the fine powder pressed in France, you can filter it with filter paper after the coffee is ready. There are many ways to filter, depending on your creativity and the equipment around you!

Section 6: cleaning and maintenance

1. Pour out the coffee grounds.

two。 Rinse the glass and filter with clean water.

3. To make sure it is clean, put some water in the glass and pump it up and down with a filter.

4. Just dry it.

* after a period of time, check to see if there is any coffee oil residue in the glass cup. If there is any diluted detergent, use the filter to clean it up and down. Then repeatedly pour water into the glass cup and pump it up and down to make sure the detergent is washed away.

* the pull rod of the filter can be rotated and separated from the filter screen. If you see too much coffee grounds residue in the filter, you can unscrew and clean it. Pay attention to the order of parts when unscrewing.

Section 7: other network resources

The usage of legal pressure

Frenchpress's approach is relatively simple, but there are some small tips to pay attention to:

The methods are as follows:

1. Prepare 85-92 hot water (so the freshly boiled water should stand for a few minutes)

2, warm the kettle first

3, take out the piston and add the right amount of coffee powder (note that the coffee powder should be ground thicker)

4. First, add some hot water to wet the coffee powder to release the aroma, then add the remaining hot water and stir.

5, put the piston cover on, but do not press to the bottom, rest for 3-4 minutes

6, time is up. Press the piston slowly from the top to the bottom. You can smell the fresh coffee.

7. Whether you add milk or sugar you like, a cup of freshly ground coffee can be born in this way.