Coffee review

World Coffee Bean Tour Burma Coffee Bean

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, On July 13, 1813, the American Baptist Adoniram Judson and Ann Judson, Protestant missionaries known as the Apostles of Burma, came to Myanmar with Catholicism and coffee. As an indispensable drink in daily life, they began to try to grow coffee trees in Myanmar. In 1885, Burma became a British colony, and the colonists offered Burmese coffee to Queen Victoria.

On July 13, 1813, the American Baptist Adoniram Judson and Ann Judson, Protestant missionaries known as the Apostles of Burma, came to Myanmar with Catholicism and coffee. As an indispensable drink in daily life, they began to try to grow coffee trees in Myanmar.

In 1885, Burma became a British colony, and the colonists offered Burmese coffee to Queen Victoria, and then began to introduce coffee from the British royal estate to grow in Myanmar.

In 1894, due to geographical and other reasons, Britain moved the then administrative office from Maing Thauk (Bao Stedman) on the east bank of Lake Inle to Dongzhi. Dongzhi is located on the Shan Plateau in southeastern Myanmar at an altitude of 1436 meters. It is the political, cultural and commercial center of Shan State. It is the fourth largest city in Myanmar and has a tropical and subtropical climate. Because of its unique geographical and climatic environment, Dongzhi Coffee has become the representative of Myanmar's top coffee.

In 2015, according to the rating of 200 coffee experts, including Win rock International of the United States, Burmese coffee scored 85 points, and the Burmese Coffee grower Association declared that Burmese coffee is of the best quality among ASEAN countries.

Minghella Coffee is a selection of Dongzhi top coffee beans and processed by high-end roasting technology. it is the only Burmese coffee brand with high quality and mellowness in China. therefore, in a sense, Minghella Coffee is the representative of Burmese coffee.

When it comes to coffee, let's take a look at Myanmar itself. The Union of Myanmar (Union Of Myanmar) is referred to as Myanmar, with a land area of 676581 square kilometers, located in the west of Indo-China Peninsula, between the Xizang Plateau and the Malay Peninsula. Bordering India and Bangladesh in the northwest, China in the northeast, Laos and Thailand in the southeast, and the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea in the southwest, it is a member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. Myanmar is a country with mild climate and beautiful natural scenery. There are lush forests, foggy mountains and rivers flowing quietly in the mountains, showing the nature and simplicity of this country everywhere. Due to its geographical location, Myanmar has a pleasant climate all the year round, and the attractive scenery here is constantly changing with climate change. The popular poetry of the twelve seasons in the Burmese literary world is to describe the richness and variety presented by nature.

October-the best February of the following year. Myanmar has a tropical monsoon climate with an annual average temperature of 27 ℃. The year can be divided into three seasons: cool, dry and rainy. The most suitable season for tourism is the cool season, that is, between October and February of the following year, when the weather is sunny and sunny, and it is also the peak season for tourism. From the middle of February, the weather became hotter and hotter and began to enter the dry season. The temperature was the highest from March to May, with a monthly average temperature of more than 30 ℃, even reaching 40 ℃. The rainy season begins after June every year, and it often rains cats and dogs in July and August until the end of the rainy season in mid-October.

What are the tourist attractions in Myanmar?

1. Yangon Grand Golden Pagoda

Yangon's most representative scenic spot, 110m high, is located on a hill in the city, coated with 72 tons of gold, and the top of the tower is inlaid with nearly 3000 carats of gems.

two。 Mandalay Palace

Located in the middle of the ancient city of Mandalay, it is the imperial palace of the last dynasty in Myanmar. It also embodies the characteristics of Burmese architecture. It contains the Museum of Ancient Burmese Culture.

3. Rhine Lake

The main scenic spot in Myanmar. Yinlai Lake is surrounded by mountains on three sides, in the middle of the pan, the surface of the lake is very wide, and the color of the lake varies with the weather. Sailing on the vast lake, it is "thirty thousand hectares of Qiongtian in the jade world, making my boat a leaf."

4. Callaway Palace

Burmese style representative architecture, the design is ingenious, the shape of two legendary divine birds-Miaosheng bird. Carry a pagoda on your back. Floating on the Royal Lake.

5. Boba, Mt.

Mount Boba is an extinct volcano, but its main attraction lies in some small conical stone mountains 730 meters above sea level, also known as "Mount Olympus of the gods."