Coffee review

Often drink coffee careful lack of calcium how to drink coffee help to supplement calcium?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Coffee is one of the favorite drinks of modern urbanites. Apart from being refreshing, the bitter taste is also worth tasting carefully. However, drinking too much coffee will be harmful to the health, not only damage the intestines and stomach, long-term drinking may also lead to calcium deficiency, leading to orthopedic diseases

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Coffee is one of the favorite drinks of modern urbanites. In addition to refreshing, the bitter taste is also worth tasting. However, drinking too much coffee will be harmful to the body, not only hurt the stomach, long-term drinking may also cause calcium deficiency, leading to orthopedic diseases. Therefore, for coffee drinkers, it is best to add a little milk to coffee, which can greatly reduce the harm of coffee, because of one word: calcium.

Drink coffee regularly and be careful of calcium deficiency

Experts point out that most of the coffee currently on the market contains caffeine. The caffeine content of a cup of coffee we usually drink is about 50 milligrams. Because caffeine has strong diuretic effect, after drinking can make people excited, brain activity ability improved, but also can eliminate drowsiness and fatigue, enhance appetite, promote digestion and so on. Therefore, for Chinese people who have calcium deficiency themselves, drinking coffee often should pay attention to calcium supplementation at the same time.

Some scholars have done a survey of coffee drinkers and found that 90% of them have doubled the calcium excreted in their urine after drinking coffee. It has been determined that drinking two cups of coffee will lose 15 mg of calcium, so it is generally believed that adults who drink coffee regularly need 100 mg of calcium per day, or at least one glass of milk a day to supplement calcium. In addition to calcium, drinking a lot of coffee may also cause the loss of potassium, magnesium, B vitamins and other substances.

Coffee with milk, calcium.

Many studies believe that caffeine in coffee has a diuretic effect, which will increase the excretion of calcium in urine and promote the secretion of calcium in the small intestine. The amount of calcium loss is proportional to the intake of caffeine. To compensate for this, drink coffee without sugar but with milk. Milk is rich in calcium, 200 ml of whole milk, calcium content of about 236 mg, 200 ml of skim milk, calcium content of about 244 mg.

One caveat is that milk is not the same as creamer coffee mate, which contains trans fatty acids that are harmful to the cardiovascular system and may add sugar.

The milk added to coffee is preferably skim milk, which does not increase too many calories and protects the stomach mucosa. At the same time, calcium in milk can protect bones. In addition, caffeine consumption of vitamin B family is more, coffee family usually pay attention to eat enough staple food.

Spring is the best way to supplement calcium.

20 minutes of sun every day.

As we all know, sun can supplement sufficient calcium and prevent osteoporosis. Vitamin D3 accounts for more than 90% of the body's vitamin D content. The production of vitamin D3 mainly depends on the skin's exposure to sunlight and ultraviolet rays. Sunexposure plays a very key role in the production, transformation and calcium absorption of vitamin D. It takes at least 20 minutes of sunshine a day to be effective, and you can't sit in the sun, you should open the curtains and open the windows, or go out and bask directly in the garden. Moreover, women often wear sunscreen, parasol, will affect the effect of the sun.

increase the amount of exercise

Spring is the season of crazy calcium supplement elements, so all the exhausted elements in winter should be replenished. Increase your exercise in the spring to maximize bone strength. Bones require moderate mechanical loading, which comes primarily from muscle contraction and gravity. Weight-bearing exercises such as walking and running can improve bone strength. Non-weight-bearing exercises such as swimming and cycling are not as good as weight-bearing exercises and can only improve muscle strength.

In addition, spring also eat more calcium-rich foods, such as soybeans, bean sprouts, small rape, cabbage, broccoli, celery, alfalfa plants, etc., these are not to be ignored calcium vegetables.