Coffee review

Take you to find your favorite taste and find your favorite coffee.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Drinking coffee has become commonplace for modern people, more and more people are eager to drink a really good cup of coffee, but not everyone knows how to taste coffee. Now, under the guidance of the century-old Italian coffee brand PASCUCCI, let's taste the coffee scientifically and find out your favorite coffee! The first step is to smell the fragrance and put the coffee powder close to the mouth and nose, and you will feel whether it comes from.

Drinking coffee has become commonplace for modern people, more and more people are eager to drink a really good cup of coffee, but not everyone knows how to taste coffee. Now, under the guidance of the century-old Italian coffee brand PASCUCCI, let's taste the coffee scientifically and find out your favorite coffee!

The first step is to smell the fragrance

Put the coffee powder close to the mouth and nose, you will feel the dry aroma of different coffee from different coffee producing areas, if it is freshly ground coffee powder, the taste will be more obvious. For example, coffee from Latin America has a taste similar to that of nuts and dark chocolate, while coffee from Africa has a floral and fruit flavor. Most of these differences depend on the natural environment and climate of the plantation. PASCUCCI's coffee beans mainly come from the Caribbean island nation of Haiti, where 75% of the country is mountainous, which is very suitable for coffee growth. And the coffee here is natural growth, no application of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, contains the aura and essence of nature, rich flavor!

The second step is to recognize sour taste.

When tasting coffee at the entrance, we often feel the sour taste, in fact, sour is the basic taste of coffee, the sour flavor brings more rich connotation to the coffee. Although the newly harvested beans are sour, if they are properly upgraded by heat, they will taste better and make people who are familiar with coffee habits feel that they are more deep. As we just said, the coffee beans of PASCUCCI are mainly from Haiti, with medium to low acidity and rich flavor, which coincides with the mellow flavor of espresso.

The third step is to taste bitter

If you want to talk about the basic strength of coffee, it is nothing more than the strength and texture of the bitter taste. Untreated raw beans contain a very small amount of bitterness, followed by an excellent baking process to produce the most symbolic bitterness of coffee. Therefore, if you want to brew the coffee with high bitterness and freshness, you need not only the quality of raw beans, but also superb baking technology. As the representative brand of Italian coffee, PASCUCCI's baking technology is one of its most proud links. In the more than one hundred years history of family operation, it continues to summarize and upgrade, and finally determine and apply for technology patents. Under this roasting technology, coffee removes its raw bitterness and sour taste, and retains the original coffee aroma, which achieves a perfect combination of sour and bitter taste!

The fourth step is to enjoy sweetness

As the saying goes, there is sweetness only when there is bitterness, 9}) L, i8 VJ: (from: Haobin Forum Haobin net) # x2K8 D (V# z2o% I51 superior coffee taste, in fact, the relationship between bitterness and sweetness is one of two sides and influence each other, so there must be a little sweetness in the refreshing bitterness, and such sweetness is the sense of "sweetness" left in the mouth after drinking. The mellowness of espresso makes the fusion of bitterness and sweetness particularly obvious. If you order the essence of a cup of espresso Espresso in Pascochi and drink it like an Italian, you can thoroughly feel the sweetness of this fusion with bitterness from mouth to heart!

After reading all this, do you have an impulse to drink coffee? Now, with a century of honor and quality, PASCUCCI has settled in Beijing to provide coffee lovers in Beijing with authentic espresso. Coupled with the highly artistic decoration design and the extreme coffee culture from the inside out, lovers bring multiple enjoyment of sight, taste and soul!