Coffee review

Perfect interpretation of "Fan" in Chenggong Cafe

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, What is style? In Beijing dialect, Faner means energetic style, which means that it is very good in appearance, behavior, or in a certain style, which is a little similar to temperament and sentiment. What does a successful cafe look like? Some people say they want literature and art, some people say they want to be retro, and others say they want to be warm. In short, there is no standard answer! CAFFE PASCUCI originates from 18

What is "style"? In Beijing dialect, "style" means "vigor" and "style", which means that it is especially good in appearance, behavior, or in a certain style, and is somewhat similar to "temperament" and "temperament". What is the "style" of a successful cafe? Some people say they want literature and art, some people say they want to go back to ancient times, and some people say they want to be warm. In short, there is no standard answer!

CAFFE PASCUCI, which originated in 1883, is a typical representative of Italian coffee. There are more than 1500 stores in dozens of countries around the world. According to the global brand recognition of Italian coffee, CAFFE PASUCCI ranks among the top five in the world. Therefore, CAFFE PASCUCCI can be called a successful international coffee brand! Now, let's walk into the CAFFE PASCUCCI Springs Ole store in Beijing and take a look at the "style" of a successful cafe!

国际品牌 CAFFE PASCUCCI:完美诠释成功咖啡馆“范儿”

Strong coffee

Push open the door of the CAFFE PASCUCCI store, the first to greet you is the pungent aroma of coffee! Italians have a special fondness for coffee, they deeply understand the role and impact of coffee on life, and taste the joy of life through coffee. CAFFE PASCUCCI pursues perfect quality, takes "perfect to the last sip of a cup of coffee" as its brand mission, selects the highest quality organic coffee beans in the world, attaches importance to the production and maintenance of the existing best roasting technology, and preserves the aroma and flavor of coffee beans to the maximum extent, and then carries on professional blending, so that each cup of coffee can show its own unique taste and flavor.

For example, Espresso, known as the "soul of espresso", is mellow, smooth and refreshing, with obvious caramel and smoky flavor, very full-bodied and full of praise. For example, CAFFE PASCUCCI creatively combines traditional dessert and espresso to create a unique coffee with mellow, dense, sweet and refreshing taste! In short, mellow coffee is a successful Italian cafe must have "style"!

国际品牌 CAFFE PASCUCCI:完美诠释成功咖啡馆“范儿”1

An attentive attitude

At CAFFE PASCUCCI, there are many people who have been working as baristas all their lives. They put their enthusiasm into this, adhering to the traditional Italian craft of hand-drawn flowers. This kind of handicraft is particularly simple and precious in today's noisy era of industrialization, and with continuous innovation, coruscate a strong vitality. Therefore, Italian coffee culture has been reborn in CAFFE PASCUCCI, and is popular all over the world with its irresistible charm.

This love for traditional craftsmanship is CAFFE PASCUCCI's focus. When the barista is pulling flowers, the world is still for him, with only coffee in his eyes! Every movement is neat, calm and decisive, without a trace of hesitation and stay. In an instant, a beautiful shape jumped on top of the coffee, becoming a beautiful scenery in the cup!

国际品牌 CAFFE PASCUCCI:完美诠释成功咖啡馆“范儿”2

Stylish amorous feelings

In the eyes of the Chinese people, drinking coffee is a special "petty bourgeoisie", especially fashionable thing, so those fashionable, high-end coffee shops are more popular! PASCUCCI, as always, attached to the nation's cultural roots and traditional blood, shuttling between fashion, classical, business and leisure, artistic elegance, bringing the most unique experience to guests all over the world. Store tone to "red, black, white" trichromatic, fashion simple, tall floor-to-ceiling windows to give customers good light and broad field of vision!

To sum up, a successful cafe needs both internal and external repairs, and CAFFE PASCUCCI is a perfect interpretation! Now, CAFFE PASCUCCI has brought this "style" to China, setting off the popularity of Italian coffee style in the coffee circle. In China, a new era has come unannounced. This is the era of resurgence of Italian style, elegant, fragrant, vibrant Italian coffee style is coming again …...