Coffee review

Coffee growing worldwide-Guadeloupe Coffee market in Guadeloupe

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, This group of islands in the Caribbean used to be an important source of coffee. In 1789, more than 1 million coffee trees on 500 hectares produced 4000 tons, while today only 150 hectares are used for coffee cultivation. Coffee growing in Guadeloupe: Guadeloupe used to be the best coffee growing area, but now it no longer exports coffee. Features of Guadeloupe Coffee

These islands in the Caribbean used to be an important producer of coffee. In 1789, more than 1 million coffee trees on 500 hectares of land produced 4000 tons. Today, only 150 hectares of land is used to grow coffee.

The coffee producing area of Guadeloupe:

Guadeloupe used to be the best producer of coffee, but now it is no longer exported.

Features of Guadeloupe Coffee:

Today, coffee is no longer produced in Guadeloupe.

The market for Guadeloupe coffee:

Guadeloupe used to be the best producer of coffee, but now it is no longer exported. Bonifieur is rated as the best quality coffee in the area, a name that used to be proud of in coffee history.