Coffee review

There is always one of the 48 coffee making methods that you like.

Published: 2024-09-08 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, 1. Latte 2. Maggiadoto 3. Iced mocha 4. Yuanyang iced coffee 5. Fragrant foam iced coffee 6. Scottish Alice Coffee 7. Floating iced coffee 8. Java mocha 9. Coconut coffee 10. Viennese coffee 11. Warm coffee 12. Strong iced coffee 13. Lemon coffee 14. Missimei Coffee 15. Mackland Coffee 16. Roman Coffee 17. Mexican iced coffee 18. Rose romantic coffee

1. Latte 2. Maggiadoto 3. Iced mocha 4. Yuanyang iced coffee 5. Fragrant foam iced coffee 6. Scottish Alice Coffee 7. Floating iced coffee 8. Java mocha 9. Coconut coffee 10. Viennese coffee 11. Warm coffee 12. Strong iced coffee 13. Lemon coffee 14. Missimei Coffee 15. Mackland Coffee 16. Roman Coffee 17. Mexican iced coffee 18. Rose Romantic Coffee 19. Macaglan Coffee 20. Roman iced coffee 21. Green tea and coffee 22. Cappuccino iced coffee 23. Fennel sparkling cream coffee 24. Royal Coffee 25. Deluxe coffee 26. Karya iced coffee 27. Pope iced coffee 28. Golden iced coffee 29. Black Rose Coffee 30. Hooper Coffee 31. Jam coffee 32. Pineapple coffee 33. Francis iced coffee 34. Rainbow ice cream iced coffee 35. Bruno coffee 36. Lady Coffee 37. Queen bee coffee 38. Light red coffee 39. Rainbow iced coffee 40. Lily Anna iced coffee 41. Brasilia Coffee 42. Einstein Coffee 43. Iles Coffee 44. Eddie Coffee 45. Barbarian Coffee 46. Love coffee 47. Irish Coffee 48. Eddie Cuban iced coffee



1. The unique combination of syrup, milk, milk foam and coffee; milk blends the strong taste of espresso with its unique delicacy and gentleness

2, this coffee is more special, such as the name of the coffee "dancing latte", the cup tilts left and right, shaking, the middle coffee will also shake, as if dancing, mysterious hazy beauty.

Raw materials:

Syrup 20ML, hot water 100ML, milk 1 mug, coffee (1 or 2 packs of Nestle alcohol 100% pure coffee).


1. Nestle alcohol 100% coffee 1 or 2 packs

2. Nestle pure milk, one mug, hot to 60-65 degrees

3. Pour the milk into the bubble pot, beat it into a delicate foam and shake off the big bubbles.

4. Pour syrup into the cup and stir well with the milk from the bottom of the 180ML milk bubble pot.

5. Add the milk foam until 6-7 minutes full

6. Slowly pour in the concentrated 100% Nestle alcohol coffee solution.


1. To make delicate milk bubbles, it is recommended to use Nestle pure milk and heat it to 60-65 degrees. The twitching times of manual bubble pots should not be too much. Too much can cause the milk bubbles to be too thick and cannot flow smoothly. Good milk bubbles are like pouring yogurt into the cup.

2. as long as the problem of milk foam is not big, you don't have to worry that the coffee will be mixed with other liquids, and you don't have to lean against the wall of the cup, just pour it in slowly.

3, sugar for syrup: the proportion of clear water at 1:2, bring to a boil over high heat and low heat until a little discoloration is possible.

two。 Maggiadot.


Raw materials:

Italian espresso coffee beans, pure milk.


1. Grind coffee beans into fine powder by hand with a manual grinder;

2, the coffee powder through 9 atmospheres and 90 degrees Celsius high temperature steam, in a short period of 20 seconds rapid extraction of 30 ml of strong coffee liquid, with thick coffee oil above;


3. Use the foaming machine to beat Nestle pure milk into high foam.

4. Pour the coffee liquid into the coffee cup, add the milk foam, and a cup of authentic Marchiato is finished. It's simple but delicious.


3. Iced mocha coffee


Raw materials:

25 grams of chocolate sauce, iced milk 150ML, black coffee 40ML, 1 ball of ice cream, about half a cup of ice cubes.

The amount of materials can be adjusted according to their own taste.


1. Put the ice cubes into a glass, squeeze in the chocolate sauce, then pour in the iced milk and stir well.

2. Pour in the cooled black coffee and stir well.

Dig an ice cream ball and put it on the surface.


4. Yuanyang iced coffee

Raw materials:

Half cup of iced tea, half cup of iced coffee, right amount of condensed milk.


1. Mix Iced Black Tea and iced coffee in one cup.

2. Adjust sweetness with condensed milk when drinking

3. For those who like hot drinks, change black tea and coffee to hot ones.

5. Fragrant frothy iced coffee

Raw materials:

1 cup of iced coffee, 1 big ball of Vanilla Ice Cream, right amount of fresh cream, ice cubes, a little almond slices.


First put the sweetened iced coffee in the Shake pot, then add 1 large ball of Vanilla Ice Cream and 2oz whipped cream, and add shake with ice. After adding ice to the cup, pour the shake iced coffee into the cup and add a little almond slices.


Fragrant, foamy, completely melted ice cream, directly drink sweet and delicious. It's sweet and sweet. Suitable for drinking throughout the day.


The ice cream should not be too hard, or it will not melt easily. It's best with crushed ice.

6. Scottish Alice Coffee

Raw materials:

Hot coffee 1 cup, sugar cube, Scotch Whisky (Scotch Whisky) the right amount, 1 cream ball.


1 cup of hot coffee is about 8 cents full, put 1 royal spoon and cube sugar on top, sprinkle proper amount of Scotch Whisky (Scotch Whisky), light up and serve with 1 cream ball.


Contains Scotch Whisky (Scotch Whisky) mellow, suitable for men to drink. Mellow and strong. Suitable for drinking at night.


Put the royal hook and spoon horizontally at the mouth of the cup, put a piece of sugar on top, then sprinkle the right amount of Scotch Whisky, and then light the fire to the table.

7. Floating iced coffee

Raw materials:

Right amount of crushed ice, 1 cup of iced coffee, 1 ball of vanilla or Chocolate Ice Cream.


Put 8 minutes full crushed ice in the cup, then pour sweetened iced coffee until 8 minutes full, finally add 1 large ball of vanilla or Chocolate Ice Cream, top with a little whipped cream, and then add 1 red cherry.


The method is simple, popular, delicious and sweet. Sweet. Suitable for drinking throughout the day.


Crushed ice must be put in the cup before Vanilla Ice Cream will be round and complete.

8. Java mocha coffee

Raw materials:

One cup of hot coffee, two tablespoons of sugar, right amount of chocolate sauce, right amount of liquid fresh milk.


1. Fill the cup with coffee.

2. Add 2 tablespoons of sugar to dissolve in the coffee

3. Add chocolate sauce to the coffee

4. Add the liquid whipped cream and stir well to serve.

9. Coconut coffee

Raw materials:

1 cup iced coffee, coconut milk 1/2oz, fresh cream 2oz, Brandy 1/3oz, ice cubes.


Pour sweetened iced coffee into the cup until 8 minutes full, then pour in 1/2oz coconut milk, 2oz cream and 1/3oz brandy (Brandy). Fill with crushed ice and stir well.


Iced coffee full of coconut fragrance is quite tropical and romantic. Sweet and supple. Suitable for drinking after meals.


The use of coconut milk syrup is the most delicious.

10. Viennese coffee

Raw materials:

1 cup of hot coffee, right amount of fresh cream, right amount of chocolate syrup, a little colorful rice, sugar packet.


1. Pour the coffee into the cup, about 8 minutes full

2. Add whipped cream on top of the coffee

3. Sprinkle with proper amount of chocolate syrup

Finally, sprinkle with colorful rice and serve with sugar bags.


European style coffee from Austria; has a three-stage taste and is suitable for people with a sweet tooth. It's sweet and delicious. Suitable for drinking in the morning or afternoon.


Don't add too much chocolate syrup and colorful rice or it will be too sweet.

11. Warm coffee

Raw materials:

1 cup of hot coffee, lemon slices, Rum) 1 1/3OZ, sugar packet.


Fill 1 cup of hot coffee with 1 slice of lemon (fresh and thinly sliced), then sprinkle with 2-2/3OZ Rum, ignite and bring to the table with sugar packet.


Romantic and charming drinking amorous feelings, very have the pleasure of enjoying life. Bitter, mellow, strong, sour.


Lemon slices should be cut very thinly. Lemon slices should not be soaked for too long and should be taken out as soon as possible.

12. Iced coffee with strong feelings

Raw materials:

Italian iced coffee 1 cup, vanilla Benedictine 1/2oz, fresh milk 3oz, right amount of ice, right amount of fresh cream, a little cinnamon powder.


Pour sweetened iced Italian coffee into a Shake pot, then pour in 1/2oz vanilla liqueur, 3oz milk, fill with ice Shake, pour into a glass, rotate and add a layer of whipped cream, then sprinkle with a little cinnamon. Serve.


The mellow vanilla liqueur makes this iced coffee more mellow. Fragrant, bitter and mellow. Suitable for drinking after meals.


Brewing Italian coffee should pay attention to strong fragrance, cinnamon should be mild and moderate.

13. Lemon coffee

Raw materials:

Shallow roasted coffee powder 10g, water 120cc, right amount of brandy, fresh lemon.


1. Make a cup of hot coffee

2. Drop two or three drops of brandy into the coffee cup

3. Float a thin slice of lemon on it.

14. Missimei Coffee

Raw materials:

1 cup of hot coffee, 1 packet of sugar (or 2 tablespoons sugar), honey 1/2oz, right amount of fresh cream, 5 tablespoons plum powder.


1 cup of hot coffee, 1 packet of sugar (or 2 tablespoons sugar), honey 1/2oz, right amount of fresh cream, 5 tablespoons plum powder.


Sweet sweet in the heart, preserved plum powder has a sweet fragrant effect. With the sweetness of honey and the sweetness of plum powder, this kind of coffee has a unique flavor. It is a very popular fancy coffee for women, and it has the pleasure of eliminating grease and oil after a meal. Sweet and sweet. Suitable for drinking after meals.


The ingredients are poured into the cup in order, and the honey is poured in first.

15. Mackland Coffee

Raw materials:

Hot coffee, brandy (Brandy), lemon slices, cinnamon sticks (tin foil at the top), sugar packets.


1. Fill the cup with brewed coffee, about 7 minutes.

2. Pour 1oz brandy into the coffee

3. Put in a slice of lemon

4. Add the cinnamon stick and serve with sugar.


Choose slender cinnamon sticks, which can be used for flavor and mixing; brandy has strong fragrance and strong aftereffect. The coffee is filled with the mellow aroma of brandy and the fragrance of cinnamon, which makes people get drunk before drinking and have a lot of spirit after drinking. Mellow, sour, strong. Suitable for drinking at night.


The lemon slices should be cut thin. Remove the lemon slices as soon as possible after serving. Do not soak for too long. Brandy should be served with certainty, not too much.

16. Roman coffee

Raw materials:

One cup of hot coffee, two tablespoons of sugar, right amount of fresh cream, right amount of rum.


1. Fill the cup with coffee.

2. Add 2 tablespoons of sugar to dissolve in the coffee

3. Pour in the right amount of whipped cream

4. Drop in the right amount of rum and serve.

17. Mexican iced coffee

Raw materials:

Right amount of crushed ice, 1 cup of iced coffee, right amount of fresh cream, 1 egg yolk, 1 green mint wine, 3-1oz.


Put 7 minutes full crushed ice in the cup, then pour sweetened iced coffee until 8 minutes full, then rotate and add a layer of whipped cream (or 1 large ball of Vanilla Ice Cream), then pour in 1 egg yolk from the side, and finally add 1 gamma 3-1oz green mint wine to serve.


Cool and mellow, fresh and rich egg yolk, easy to absorb by intestines and stomach and delicious. Fragrant, cool and strong. Suitable for drinking after meals.


Crushed ice must be added to the cup to keep the yolk from sinking. When beating the yolk, be careful not to break it.

18. Rose romantic coffee

Raw materials:

A cup of blue mountain coffee, a little brandy, a rose, a sugar bag.


A cup of Blue Mountain Coffee is 7-8 minutes full. place a special royal coffee hook and spoon on the edge of the cup, put on the cube sugar, sprinkle with a little brandy and light the fire.


The taste is mellow and strong. The bright red rose suspension cup is like the red in the snow, beautiful and moving, causing infinite reverie. Suitable for drinking after meals and in love. Mellow. Unique creativity, beautiful shape, suitable for lovers to drink, or a person to enjoy the beauty of narcissism.


Only by choosing bright red roses can you produce the beauty of contrast. You can also put a whipped cream rose in the cup.

19. Macaglan Coffee

Raw materials:

Half cup of hot coffee, Red Wine 2.5oz, sliced lemon, cinnamon bar, sugar packet.


2.5oz red wine (Red Wine) is heated, then poured into half a cup of hot coffee, then put in a slice of lemon and a cinnamon stick, and serve with sugar.


It is suitable for people with special taste or lovelorn. Sour, sweet, bitter, all tastes old. Suitable for drinking before meals.


Lemon slices should be taken out as soon as possible, do not soak in the cup for too long. Red wine only needs to be warm.

20. Roman iced coffee

Raw materials:

Italian iced coffee 1 cup, Amaretto 1/2oz, fresh milk 3oz, ice cubes.


Put sweetened Italian iced coffee in the cup, then add 1/2oz almond wine, 3oz milk, and finally fill with ice.


The unique aroma of almond wine makes lovers deeply intoxicated. Fragrant and mellow. Suitable for drinking after meals.


3oz fresh milk can also be changed to 1oz fresh cream, which has a stronger flavor.

21. Green tea, coffee.


1. Soak 5 grams of Longjing tea with boiling water of about 90 degrees 50ml, pour out about 30 milliliters of tea juice after 1 minute, and then add 100ml 90 degrees boiled water to the tea to produce Longjing tea juice 80ml.

2. Make a cup of Italian espresso about 40ml

3. According to personal taste, add Longjing tea juice to the coffee and add cube sugar to mix well.


Coffee and green tea can be matched differently. Green tea juice and coffee can also be poured into a mixing pot and shaken well before drinking.

22. Cappuccino iced coffee

Raw materials:

1 cup of Italian iced coffee, right amount of ice, right amount of fresh cream, right amount of chocolate syrup, a little cinnamon.


Put sweetened Italian iced coffee in the cup, then rotate and add a layer of whipped cream, 1/2oz chocolate cream, and sprinkle with a little cinnamon powder.


Cold flavor, do not have a different taste. Sweet, mellow and bitter. Suitable for drinking after meals.


Cinnamon powder should be of high grade and mild taste. There can be less coffee.

23. Fennel sparkling cream coffee

Raw materials:

1 cup of hot coffee, sugar packet, fennel liqueur (Sambuca or Anisette) 1/3-2/3oz, right amount of fresh cream.


Add 1 sugar packet (or 2 tablespoons sugar) to 1 cup of hot coffee, then add 1/3-2/3oz anise liqueur, then rotate and add a layer of whipped cream.


The strong smell of fennel wine makes people have a lingering aftertaste and a good mouth. Mellow. Suitable for drinking at night. Extraordinary flavor, make people mouth fragrance!


The amount of fennel liqueur should be accurate, not too much.

24. Royal Coffee

Raw materials:

Comprehensive hot coffee (or Blue Mountain Coffee) 1 cup, right amount of sugar cube, Brandy 1/3oz.


1. First brew the 90ml Hot Blue Mountain Coffee and pour it into a preheated porcelain cup, about 8 minutes full.

2. Place the royal spoon (with delicate edges at both ends or a shallower spoon instead) across the cup and top with cubes of sugar

3. Soak the brandy with sugar cubes, then ignite and drink.


Sweet, mellow, with mellow aromas of brandy. Suitable for drinking at night. With a noble and romantic atmosphere, the mellow aroma of brandy is very charming.

25. Deluxe coffee

Raw materials:

Cube sugar, 1 cup of hot coffee, right amount of fresh cream, red cherry.


First put the cube sugar in the cup, then pour in the hot coffee for about 8 minutes, rotate and put in a layer of whipped cream, then sprinkle the finely diced red cherries on top.


The bright red diced cherries are delicious and pleasing to the eye. The aroma of cherries pervades the whole cup of coffee, which is quite delicious. Mellow. Suitable for drinking in the afternoon.


Red cherries are finely diced and placed on whipped cream, pleasing to the eye and delicious.

26. Karya iced coffee

Raw materials:

White orange peel wine 1/4oz, 1 cup iced coffee, right amount of 7-UP soda, right amount of fresh cream, chocolate slices.


Put 1/4oz white orange peel wine (TripleSec) in the glass, fill it with ice, then pour in sweetened iced coffee, then pour 7-UP soda to 8 minutes full, rotate and add a layer of whipped cream, then sprinkle with a little thinned chocolate chip.


It tastes sweet. Lovely layered effect, fresh and supple flavor. Suitable for drinking after meals.


Before adding 7-UP soda, add crushed ice to the glass and pour it slowly. When adding whipped cream, the action should also be slow, the effect is good, and must be poured in order.

27. Pope iced coffee

Raw materials:

Italian iced coffee 1 cup, fennel wine (Sambuca) 1/2oz, fresh milk 3oz, ice.


Put sweetened Italian iced coffee in the cup, then add 1/2oz fennel wine, 3oz milk, and finally fill with ice.


The taste is fragrant, strong and mellow. The unique strong aroma of fennel wine is the unique signature of this iced coffee. Suitable for drinking after meals.


Fennel wine has a strong smell, do not add too much. 3oz fresh milk can be changed to 1oz fresh cream, the effect is better.

28. Golden iced coffee

Raw materials:

1 cup iced coffee, 1 tablespoon cream powder, Brandy 1/2oz, ice cubes.


Put sweetened iced coffee in the cup, then add 1 tablespoon of cream powder (or milk water) and 1/2oz brandy, finally add ice and stir well.


The taste is strong and mellow. The mellow brandy enhances the noble and high quality of this iced coffee.


Choose high-grade brandy, the taste will be better, cream powder needs to be melted while hot.

29. Black Rose Coffee

Raw materials:

1 cup iced coffee, right amount of ice, cherry brandy (Cherry Brandy) 1/2oz, right amount of fresh cream.


Put 8-minute ice cubes into the cup, then pour in sweetened iced coffee and 1/2oz cherry brandy, then rotate and add a layer of whipped cream.


The charming fragrance, bright crimson cherry brandy, exudes an elusive charm. Fragrant and mellow. Suitable for drinking after meals.


Decoration is an important symbol, iced coffee is not too dark, so that it will not mask the color of cherry brandy.

30. Hooper coffee

Raw materials:

Sugar packet, Cointreau orange wine (1/3oz), 1 cup of hot coffee, right amount of fresh cream, a little orange peel.


1 cup of hot coffee is about 8 minutes full. add 1/3oz Jundo Orange Wine, rotate and add a layer of whipped cream, then sprinkle with finely diced orange peel. Just put a sugar bag on the table.


The sweet Jundu orange wine contains the sweetness of the orange. It tastes sweet and mellow when you drink it. It's sweet and sweet. Suitable for drinking at night.


Don't add too much Cointreau.

thirty-one。 Jam coffee

Raw materials:

1 cup of hot coffee, jam (of any kind), sugar packet.


Fill 1 cup of hot coffee with 8 cents, add 1 tablespoon of your favorite jam and attach a sugar packet.


It tastes sweet. You can add your own favorite jam, strawberries, grapes, oranges. Both are fine, sweet and tasty. Suitable for drinking after meals.


Strawberry jam can also be mixed with fresh strawberries for better results.

thirty-two。 Pineapple coffee

Raw materials:

Pineapple juice 1oz (or 1 tablespoon of pineapple powder), 1 cup of hot coffee, 1 small piece of pineapple horn, sugar packet.


1 cup of hot coffee is about 8 cents full. Pour in 1oz pineapple juice, insert a small piece of pineapple horn at the edge of the cup, and attach a sugar packet.


Taste sour and sweet. Pineapple and coffee are similar in taste, and they can be used together to highlight their delicacy. Suitable for drinking throughout the day and after meals.


Fresh pineapple or canned pineapple slices can be used, and 1 tablespoon pineapple powder can be used instead of pineapple juice.

thirty-three。 Francis iced coffee

Raw materials:

1 cup iced coffee, 1 tablespoon cream powder, Brandy 1/2oz, ice cubes.


Put sweetened iced coffee in the cup, then add 1 tablespoon of cream powder (or 2oz cream water) and 1/2oz brandy, finally add ice and stir well.


The mellow brandy enhances the noble and superior quality of this iced coffee. The aroma is strong and mellow. Suitable for drinking at night.


If you choose high-end brandy, it will taste better. Cream powder should be melted while it is hot.

thirty-four。 Rainbow ice cream iced coffee

Raw materials:

Appropriate amount of honey 1/3oz, crushed ice, 1 cup of iced coffee, 1 ball of vanilla and Strawberry Ice Cream, right amount of fresh cream.


Put 1/3oz honey (or red pomegranate juice) in the cup, then add crushed ice until 7 minutes full, then pour in sweetened iced coffee, add a ball of Vanilla Ice Cream, squeeze in a layer of whipped cream, and then add a ball of Strawberry Ice Cream.


Different flavors of ice cream can be enjoyed in layers to satisfy people who like ice cream. Sweet. Suitable for drinking throughout the day.


Pour into the cup in order, Vanilla Ice Cream must be bigger than the upper Strawberry Ice Cream, the layering will be obvious. The effect of adding crushed ice is obvious.

thirty-five。 Bruno Coffee

Raw materials:

1 cup of hot coffee, Galliano 1/2oz, Brandy 1oz, lemon peel, 6 cloves, 1 cinnamon stick, sugar packet.


A cup of hot coffee is about 7 cents full, add 1/2oz Galliano liqueur and 1oz brandy, then cut the lemon peel into a spiral, insert 6 cloves, insert a cinnamon stick, attach sugar packet and serve.


It tastes fragrant, sour and mellow. The special coffee with rich materials and excellent aroma is sour and mellow with a unique style. Lemon peel cut into a spiral hanging on the edge of the cup, lemon peel inserted cloves, coupled with wine and cinnamon, mixed into a unique special coffee. Suitable for drinking after meals and in the evening.


Lemon peel, cloves and wine can also be put into the portable pot first, and then poured into the cup after ignition, or the materials can be poured into the cup according to the order.

thirty-six。 Lady Coffee

Raw materials:

Half cup of hot coffee, half cup of fresh milk, right amount of fresh cream, sugar packet.


Pour half a cup of hot coffee and half a cup of warm milk into the cup, rotate and add a layer of whipped cream on top.


The taste is pure and light. You can not only enjoy the mellow stimulation of coffee, but also enjoy the nutrition of fresh milk. Suitable for drinking in the morning.


Pour coffee and warm milk into the cup at the same time, top with a layer of whipped cream.

thirty-seven。 Queen bee coffee

Raw materials:

1 cup of hot coffee, honey 11/2oz, brandy (Brandy) 2-3 drops, right amount of fresh cream.


1 cup of hot coffee is about 8 minutes full, add 11/2oz honey, 2-3 drops of brandy, rotate on top and add whipped cream.


It tastes mellow. Made of high-grade brandy, the smell is more mellow. Suitable for drinking after meals and in the evening.


Pour in coffee, honey and brandy.

thirty-eight。 Light red coffee

Raw materials:

1 cup hot coffee, Grand Marnier Triple Orange 1/3oz, right amount of fresh cream, a little nutmeg powder and a little orange peel.


1 cup of hot coffee is about 8 minutes full. add 1/3oz Golden Wanli red orange wine, rotate and add a layer of whipped cream, sprinkle with nutmeg and finely diced orange peel.


It tastes mellow. The flavor of Jinwanli red orange peel wine makes the coffee taste excellent. The fragrance of nutmeg powder is sweet and smooth, mixed with whipped cream. Suitable for drinking after meals and at night.


The weight of all kinds of materials is correct.

thirty-nine。 Rainbow iced coffee

Raw materials:

Honey 1/2oz, red pomegranate juice 1/2oz, crushed ice right amount, 1 cup iced coffee, right amount of fresh cream, Strawberry Ice Cream 1 ball, 1 red cherry.


Add 1/2oz honey, 1/2oz red pomegranate juice, crushed ice 8 minutes, ice coffee slowly pour about 8 minutes full, then add a layer of whipped cream, 1 ball Strawberry Ice Cream, put a red cherry on top.


The multi-level performance of innovation shows its charming demeanor. Sweet and mellow.


The weight of each layer should be appropriate, do not increase or decrease, and move quickly to prevent each layer from mixing and losing its beauty.

forty。 Lily Anna iced coffee

Raw materials:

Right amount of crushed ice, 1 cup of iced coffee, Green Creme De Menthe 1/2oz, right amount of fresh cream, right amount of chocolate syrup, a little colorful rice.


Fill the cup with crushed ice for about 8 minutes, then pour in sweetened iced coffee and 1/2oz green mint wine, then rotate and add a layer of whipped cream, and finally squeeze in the right amount of chocolate syrup and a little colorful rice.


Colorful chocolate rice makes the shape more varied. After mixing evenly, it shows a beautiful emerald color, and you can taste the charming taste when drinking it. Sweet and cold. Suitable for drinking after meals.


Green mint wine can also be added to whipped cream at the end.

forty-one。 Brasilia coffee


Pour 1 cup of honey into 1 cup of honey, then add 1 cup of hot coffee and fill 1 cup of 8 minutes, finally add fresh milk.


Drink sweet and delicious, very suitable for public taste, suitable for drinking after meals.


No sugar. When making, pour in the order, first pour the honey.

forty-two。 Einstein coffee

Raw materials:

1 cup of Italian bitter coffee, right amount of fresh cream, right amount of sliced chocolate, sugar packet.


1 cup of Italian bitter coffee, whipped with a layer of whipped cream, sprinkled with sliced chocolate chips and served with sugar.


The taste is bitter and sweet, the aroma is sweet, and there is a sweet feeling in the thick bitterness. It has the sweetness of chocolate and the aroma of cocoa, and then blends with the aroma of coffee, with a unique flavor, suitable for drinking after meals and in the afternoon.


Chocolate sliced and sprinkled on the coffee can soften the bitterness of Italian coffee and have a sweet taste.

forty-three。 Alice Coffee

Raw materials:

1 cup of hot coffee, a little sugar, 1/2oz brandy.


Finally, rotate and add a layer of whipped cream.


After the cold whipped cream, there is hot, mellow hot coffee and the aroma of brandy, which makes people feel relaxed and happy. The use of high-grade brandy, more mellow and strong. Mellow and wonderful, suitable for drinking after meals.


The amount of brandy should be moderate and not excessive.

forty-four。 Eddie Coffee

Raw materials:

Iced coffee 1 cup, Galliano liqueur (Galliano) 1/2-1oz, ice cubes.


Put sweetened iced coffee in the cup, then add 1/2-1oz Galliano liqueur, and finally fill with ice.


The fragrant and mellow sweet wine contains incomparable charm, which can fully reveal the coolness of iced coffee. Fragrant and mellow. Suitable for drinking after meals.


The amount of iced coffee is not too large, otherwise it will cover up the elegant demeanour of Galliano sweet wine.

forty-five。 Barbarian coffee

Raw materials:

Ice sugar bag, 1 cup of hot coffee, right amount of fresh cream, chocolate syrup 1/2oz, a little cinnamon, a little chocolate sliced.


First add a packet of rock sugar to the cup, then pour in the hot coffee for about 8 minutes, then add a layer of whipped cream and chocolate syrup 1/2oz, finally sprinkle with a little cinnamon powder and slice a little chocolate.


Suitable for women to drink, very sweet, but do not drink too much. Suitable for drinking after meals and at night.


Do not add too much chocolate syrup, cinnamon powder to choose mild aroma, add a little.

forty-six。 Love coffee

Raw materials:

1 cup cappuccino coffee, coffee wine (Kahlua) 1/4oz, brown cocoa wine (Brown Creme Decacao) 1/4oz, Vodka 1/4oz, sugar packet.


Add coffee wine 1/4oz, brown cocoa wine 1/4oz, vodka 1/4oz and sugar packet to the cappuccino coffee and serve.


Mixed spirits and sweet spirits will fully stimulate the flavor of coffee, strong strength, suitable for people who love adventure and excitement to drink, to ensure that they will never be forgotten. Bitter and mellow. Suitable for drinking in the afternoon and after dinner.


According to each person's taste, increase or decrease the amount of wine, change at will, into its own style.

forty-seven。 Irish coffee

Raw materials:

Irish Whiskey (Irish Whiskey) 1/2-1oz, sugar cube, 1 cup of hot coffee, right amount of fresh cream.


1. Add 1/2-1oz Irish Whiskey to the Irish coffee goblet, add cube sugar (or 2 tablespoons granulated sugar), then put on a special rack and heat it with an alcohol lamp to dissolve it.

2. Pour the coffee into the cup, about 8 minutes full

3. Add the right amount of whipped cream



Fragrant and mellow, is another realm of drinking coffee. Coupled with the strong aroma of Irish Whiskey's "Irish Coffee" wine, the cost is higher than ordinary coffee, but it can quite enhance the fun and romantic realm of using coffee. Special service, very high-end and distinguished coffee. It is very suitable for men to drink at night.

forty-eight。 Eddie Cuban iced coffee

Raw materials:

1 cup iced coffee, right amount of ice, right amount of Rum 1/2oz, right amount of fresh cream, right amount of chocolate syrup.


Fill the glass with 8 minutes of crushed ice, then pour in sweetened iced coffee and 1/2oz brown rum, top with a layer of whipped cream and squeezed with chocolate syrup.


The wine has a strong flavor and strong stamina, so it is suitable for those who like heavy taste. The fragrance is strong. Suitable for drinking after meals.


Don't add too much chocolate syrup, and the amount of alcohol can be increased or decreased at will.