Coffee review

The only Hawaiian coffee specially served by the President of the United States White House

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Although the president of the United States is changed every four years and belongs to different parties (of course, only Republicans and Democrats generally compete in the United States) and political views are not the same, the vast majority of presidents have a hobby, that is, they like to drink coffee. Therefore, coffee politics has always been a favorite topic in the White House. Of course, there are exceptions among many coffee-loving presidents of the United States.

Although the president of the United States is changed every four years and belongs to different parties (of course, only Republicans and Democrats generally compete in the United States) and political views are not the same, the vast majority of presidents have a hobby, that is, they like to drink coffee. Therefore, "coffee politics" has always been a favorite topic in the White House.

Of course, there are exceptions among many coffee-loving presidents of the United States. For example, incumbent President Barack Obama is out of the ordinary, and his love of tea distinguishes him from other White House aides and former presidents.

The only Hawaiian coffee served by the White House

Neither Starbucks nor Dunkin Donuts, nor is it a specialty coffee unique to President Obama's hometown of Chicago. The only known coffee served on a major White House occasion is a Kona Rainforest Coffee (Kona Rainforest Coffee) from the Rainforest Farm in Hawaii, while the White House generally orders a super mixed flavor.

Of course, the price of Kona Rainforest Coffee, which can be gorgeously shown on various occasions in the White House, is also much higher than other coffees, costing more than $20 for just half a pound, plus more than $10 for shipping. The reason for the high price of this brand of coffee is that it comes from a 24-acre farm in Hawaii, which includes two farmers and four employees. The farm has fertile land and produces 100% organic pure Kona coffee beans throughout the year.

After a special attempt by a reporter from China Business Daily, Kona coffee seems to give people a better sense of the original taste of coffee before the beans are ground, a little smoky and a little sour, with a slight smell of fresh dirt after the rain, while this moderately roasted coffee has a slightly chocolate taste.

It is no accident that Kona Coffee entered the White House. During the Bush administration, it was decided to provide coffee from Hawaii on some high-level occasions in the White House. When rainforest farmers in Hawaii learned, he provided samples of their farm coffee, including 12 different types of coffee, to senior White House officials, including presidential advisers and first Lady Laura Bush. Since then, farmers have been receiving orders for coffee from the White House.

Obama with tea, VS with coffee, Biden.

It should be said that most people in the White House drink coffee, from journalists' common presidential aides to cabinet members, they can always be seen holding a cup of coffee in the White House. However, there are also outsiders in the White House who do not drink coffee-he is President Obama who lives in the White House.

Obama, who has been attacked by the Tea Party, is actually a loyal tea guest. According to photos taken by White House reporters with the delegation, whether working in the Oval Office or aboard Air Force one, Obama is always holding a milky white cup with a gold edge, according to Obama's aides. most of the cup is filled with tea. A photographer who often photographed Obama personally said he had almost never seen Obama drink coffee. The writer of Obama's previous speech also said that when he was traveling with Obama, Obama almost never bought coffee and always bought tea.

Obama was recently photographed stopping at a Starbucks. When a reporter shouted, "how about that cup of coffee?" Obama replied, "it's tea!" When he met the crowd at a well-known cafe in Missouri, he ordered an iced Earl tea.

Compared with Obama, who does not drink coffee, Vice President Joe Biden is a big fan of coffee. In addition to several aides saying that Biden likes to drink coffee, many media have taken pictures of Biden buying coffee in some high-end coffee shops. "the vice president just sat down, loosened his tie, and then ordered a cup of coffee," a New Yorker reporter and Biden described after the trip. "

The White House has repeatedly regarded Vice President Joe Biden as a representative of White House "coffee politics." When fundraising is needed, "have a cup of coffee with Biden" is usually one of the main headlines of the Obama team's fundraising notification email, which contains a handwritten "I want to buy you a cup of coffee" in the tone of Biden.

As a result, Biden is always compared by the media as "in a good mood and energetic as if he had had a few cups of espresso", while Obama is compared to "like a cup of slowly precipitated tea, slow, cautious, trying to strike a balance."

Coffee complex of the President of the United States

It should be said that coffee has been in the White House since the United States had its first president. According to a presidential cookbook published in 1968, George Washington, the first president of the United States, was a coffee lover. In 1770, Washington imported 200 pounds of coffee from abroad through a Philadelphia businessman, and then wrote a special letter to the businessman thanking him for importing the coffee from Red Harbor by sea.

After that, whether it was President Lincoln, who was called "not interested in food at all, but only interested in apples and hot coffee," or Roosevelt, who drank nearly a gallon of coffee every day, or Nixon, who enjoyed coffee slowly from breakfast to work, or Carter, who had to squeeze out some time for a cup of coffee during the working hours every day. Coffee has played an important role in every American president's work and life.

The most fanatical of these is former President George W. Bush senior. Drinking 10 cups of coffee a day has always been the practice of Bush Sr. it was not until he was diagnosed with thyroid and heart abnormalities in 1991 that he had to reduce and avoid caffeine intake and switch to "decaffeinated" coffee. Bush senior drank coffee again because he could not bear that "decaffeinated" coffee was not real coffee.

And coffee has also brought controversy to the president of the United States. When Clinton was president, he held a fundraiser to have coffee with the president at the White House, and US law forbids the sale of tickets to enter the White House at any price. After that, one of the gifts given to Clinton by Lewinsky, who had an affair with Clinton, was a coffee cup. In 2008, when Hillary Clinton and Obama competed for the Democratic presidential nomination, in an attempt to win the support of Senator Edward Kennedy, Clinton contemptuously described Obama in a conversation with Kennedy that Obama "wanted to buy coffee for us a few years ago."