Coffee review

Coffee is one of the three major beverages in the world.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Coffee (coffee) is a drink made from roasted coffee beans (seeds of coffee plants). It is usually a hot drink, but there is also iced coffee as a cold drink. Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in human society, and it is also an important cash crop. Chinese characters are also used as Jia Jia. 1 basic introduction to coffee (Pinyin: kafei) comes from a name card in Ethiopia

Coffee (coffee) is a drink made from roasted coffee beans (seeds of coffee plants). It is usually a hot drink, but there is also iced coffee as a cold drink. Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in human society, and it is also an important cash crop. Chinese characters are also used as "Jia Jia".

1 basic introduction


The word "coffee" (pinyin: kafei) comes from a small town in Ethiopia called kaffa, and in Greek "Kaweh" means "strength and passion".

Tea, coffee and cocoa are called the three major drinks in the world.

Coffee tree is a small evergreen tree of Rubiaceae, which is found in the tropics and subtropics. Leaves long ovate, flowers white, bearing crimson berries. There are small fruit, medium fruit, big fruit coffee and so on. Originated in Ethiopia.

Daily coffee is made from coffee beans combined with a variety of cooking utensils, and coffee beans refer to the nuts in the fruit of a coffee tree, which are then roasted with appropriate roasting methods.

2 Historical sources

The word "Coffee" comes from a small town called kaffa in Ethiopia, Ethiopia. In Greek, "Kaweh" means "strength and passion". Coffee and tea, cocoa are called the three largest drinks in the world. Coffee tree is a small evergreen tree of Rubiaceae. Coffee for daily consumption is made from coffee beans combined with various cooking utensils, and coffee beans refer to the nuts in the fruit of coffee trees, which are then roasted by appropriate roasting methods.


The world's first coffee tree was found in the Horn of Africa. Local indigenous tribes often grind the fruit of coffee and knead it with animal fat to make many ball-shaped balls. These indigenous tribes use these coffee balls as precious food for soldiers who are about to go out to battle.

Sometimes, people don't understand what it's like for coffee eaters to show hyperactivity-they don't know that it's caused by the irritation of coffee. Instead, people regard it as a religious fanaticism of coffee eaters. I think this drink is so mysterious that it has become a special product for priests and doctors. There are different legends about the origin of coffee.


The most common and popular story is the story of the shepherd. Legend has it that there was a shepherd who happened to find his sheep jumping and dancing while herding sheep. If you look carefully, it turns out that the sheep ate a kind of red fruit that led to their funny behavior. He tried to pick some of these red fruits to boil, but the room was full of fragrance, and the juice was even more refreshing and refreshing after drinking it. Since then, this fruit has been used as a refreshing drink and has been well received.

In ancient times, Arabs first dried and boiled coffee beans and drank the juice as stomach medicine, thinking it was helpful to digestion. It was later found that coffee had a refreshing effect, and because Islamic rules forbade believers to drink alcohol, coffee was used instead of alcohol as a refreshing drink. After the 15th century, Muslims who made pilgrimages to the holy land of Mecca gradually brought coffee back to their places of residence, making it gradually spread to Egypt, Syria, Iran and Turkey. The entry of coffee into Europe should be attributed to the Ottoman Empire of Turkey at that time. As the coffee-loving Ottoman army marched westward to Europe and was stationed there for several years, it left a large number of supplies, including coffee beans, when the army finally withdrew. People in Vienna and Paris were able to develop an European coffee culture based on these coffee beans and the cooking experience gained from the Turks. The war was originally occupied and destroyed, but it unexpectedly brought about cultural exchange and even integration, which was unexpected by the rulers.

Westerners are familiar with coffee with a history of three hundred years, but in the East, coffee has been widely used as a drink in all walks of life in the East. Coffee appeared earliest and most accurately in the 8th century BC, but as early as Homer's works and in many ancient Arab legends, a magical, dark, bitter, and highly stimulating drink has been recorded. Around the 10th century, Avicenna used coffee as a medicine to treat diseases. There is also a strange story from the 15th century in which it is said that a Yemeni shepherd saw a group of goats picking reddish berries from a bush. Soon the goats became restless and excited. The shepherd reported this to a monk, who cooked some berries. Then extract a bitter, strong drink that can drive away drowsiness and drowsiness.

Although coffee was found in the Middle East, coffee trees originated in what is now Ethiopia in Africa, called Kaffa, from which coffee spread to Yemen, the Arabian Peninsula and Egypt. It is in Egypt that coffee develops very rapidly and soon becomes popular in people's daily life.

By the 16th century, early merchants had sold coffee in Europe, thus treating coffee as a new kind of coffee.


Coffee drinks are introduced into western customs and life. The vast majority of coffee exported to the European market comes from Alexandria and Smyrna, but with growing demand and high tariffs imposed by import and export ports, as well as increased knowledge of coffee planting, dealers and scientists are experimenting with transplanting coffee to other countries. The Dutch planted coffee trees in their overseas colonies (Batavia and Java), and the French in Martinique (in Latin America) in 1723, and then in the Antilles. Later, the British, Spaniards and Portuguese began to invade the tropical coffee-growing areas of Asia and America.

Coffee cultivation began in northern Brazil in 1727, but poor weather conditions gradually shifted the crop to other regions, first in Rio de Janeiro, and finally to Sao Paulo and Minas (circa 1800-1850). Here coffee found its ideal growing environment. Coffee cultivation grew here until it became Brazil's most important source of economy.


It was between 1740 and 1850 that coffee cultivation reached its highest popularity in Central and South America.

Although coffee was born in Africa, cultivation and household consumption were introduced relatively recently. In fact, it was the Europeans who brought coffee back to its homeland and introduced it into their colonies, where it flourished because of favorable land and climatic conditions.

Since the 19th century, coffee was introduced into China by missionaries. In 1884, it first appeared in the Yunlin ancient pit generation in Taiwan during the Japanese occupation era. At the end of the 19th century, it was brought to Yunnan by French missionaries. At the beginning of the 20th century, overseas Chinese introduced coffee into Hainan, thus inheriting the history of coffee. Hainan Xinglong Coffee has attracted the attention of many national leaders since the 1960s. When Comrade Zhou Enlai visited Xinglong, he said, "after drinking so much coffee, Xinglong coffee is the best." To this day, the Xinglong generation is still popular with the old tradition of drinking coffee. In 2006, Xinglong coffee was rated as a national geographic iconic product.