Coffee review

Espresso is a sensual feature of life Espresso

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, In Italy, Espresso is simply a concerto of local life. After waking up in the morning with a latte, people like to drink Espresso in the store, everyone waits at the bar, gets their first coffee, and drinks it in three sips. The customers got to know each other and talked, and even the barista joined in the conversation, turning the cafe into a networking ground

In Italy, Espresso is simply a local life concerto. In the morning, drink a latte (Latte); then, people like to drink Espresso in the store, everyone waits in front of the bar, and after getting the first-hand coffee, they drink it in three sips. The guests in the shop knew each other and talked to each other, and even the coffee maker (Barista) took part in the chat, so the cafe became a social place.

In the United States and Taiwan, Italian-style cafes are littered with places for young people to date and chat. Most of them don't drink Espresso, only cappuccino or latte with milk. Most of these young people don't know the delicacy of Espresso. They just come here to see the atmosphere of Espresso. Presumably, this is also a kind of Espresso life!

Sensory characteristics of Espresso

The warm hue of foam, the strong and wonderful fragrance, the soft and smooth liquid like velvet, and the strong and persistent taste, all of which are presented in a well-brewed cup of espresso coffee, provide the drinker with the pleasure of smell, taste and vision. Only hearing is excluded from this multi-sensory experience. Between the complex chemical composition of coffee and its multiple sensory systems, a connection is created by sipping this small cup of coffee.