Coffee review

Procurement guide scheme / manual filter coffee maker

Published: 2024-10-27 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/27, Manual filter coffee pots are permeable coffee-making utensils that give coffee a clean, bright flavor with little or no sediment. The coffee pot is also easier to clean. If you use a paper filter, the coffee grounds can be removed from the filter and poured directly into the trash can or used as fertilizer. Manual filter coffee makers are the cheapest to buy, although they are very


Manual filter coffee pots are permeable coffee-making utensils that give coffee a clean, bright flavor with little or no sediment. The coffee pot is also easier to clean. If you use a paper filter, the coffee grounds can be removed from the filter and poured directly into the trash can or used as fertilizer.

Manual filter coffee makers are the cheapest to buy, and although they are easy to master, you need to buy additional equipment, such as small cans or Gram gauges, to make coffee better. If you plan to use paper filters, you also need to consider these costs.


Plastic, ceramic and glass, manual filter coffee pots are usually made of one of three materials. Plastic is the cheapest, the most fragile, and the least durable. Ceramics and glass are more refined, not only retaining calories, because it takes less time to make coffee than plastic.

Paper is the best filter and produces the cleanest and most fragrant fragrance without any sediment.

Filter paper comes in two colors: White and brown. Using non-chlorine treatment (often referred to as oxygen bleaching), the white filter has been bleached, while the brown filter is unbleached. Brown filters usually have a strong paper aroma, which conveys the aroma of coffee.

White filters have a chemical smell, which may not be good until the 1980s, when more modern bleaching processes had solved these problems. Although they are not particularly environmentally friendly, because the brown filter bleaching process requires the use of ​ additional energy and water, decolorizing filters no longer release ​ toxins.

Stainless steel filters have the largest pores ​, so there will be a small amount of sediment at the bottom.

The filter of the cloth is somewhere in between.

Conical shape

The manual filter coffee maker has three different cones: cone, V-shaped and bottom-shaped.

The cones of different shapes of coffee filters from left to right are cone, V-shaped and bottom type.

There is a lot of debate about which shape is the best, but the fact is that there is no good evidence to prove that shape is better. But there is a saying that the shape of the vertebral body during brewing, when the coffee is poured in circular motion, make sure that the coffee is ground and evenly moistens the ​, so that it will not affect the flavor of the coffee.


Differences in the number and size of drainage holes are found at the bottom of a filter cone, with a large hole in the middle of the ​ and several smaller holes dotted around the large hole.