Coffee review

A coffee shop full of literary style

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Cafes have always appeared with literature and art. Sunshine, books and coffee were once the most enjoyable enjoyment in the minds of literary and artistic youth. Nowadays, young people in literature and art have become middle class, and cafes have added some new meaning and new culture. Bandu Coffee, a cafe where you can see the art exhibition, is located at Tanhualin 9, playing a mix of boutique coffee and contemporary art. The small building has three floors and the first floor


Coffee shops have always appeared together with literature and art. Sunshine, books and coffee used to be the most comfortable enjoyment in the minds of literary youth. Nowadays, literary youth have advanced into the middle class, and cafes have added some new meanings and new cultures.

A cafe where you can see art exhibitions

Biandu Coffee is located at No.9 Tanhualin and plays a mix of fine coffee and contemporary art.

This small building had three floors. The first floor was a cafe. At first glance, the front hall was no different from an ordinary cafe, but several brightly colored oil paintings on the walls were very eye-catching. The back hall was a sunroom, with elegant wooden tables and chairs. There were cats basking in the sun. The second floor is the exhibition hall, the space is very spacious, sunny, placed sculpture works, the walls are full of famous paintings and calligraphy. On the third floor, there are baking classrooms and offices, and the owner's personal collection is also stored here.

In the past, cafes participated in art activities mainly by providing venues, materials or cocktail parties, but now they have played a leading role in some art exhibitions: selecting authors and works, curating exhibitions, producing exhibition brochures and surrounding areas, and even selling art works as agents. In order to cultivate contemporary painters, Biandu Coffee has held an exhibition every month since May 2013. On the opening day, the whole cafe will be transformed into an exhibition hall, where Wuhan's most influential painters, artists, critics, collectors and curators gather. On weekdays, Tanhualin No.9 Bandu Coffee is also the first choice for post-80s artists to gather. People interested in contemporary art collection can make pilgrimages, eight hexagrams or even pick up leaks here.

Address: No. 9 Tanhualin, Wuchang, next to Chongzhen Hall

Wenyi Coffee Street

"Scorpion" of "Tanhualin Landlord" took 1400 square meters of the old paper mill from Liangdao Street and turned it into a youth life experience space composed of old window frames, floor glass, lamp belts and ancient books. "Factory culture"? I don't know if this is the only one in the country! You may not think the coffee here is authentic enough, but you have to admit that it is fun! Creative photo studio, microbook experience space, Ming Xin film factory... there are also a series of film exhibitions, lectures and sharing sessions! Coffee shops and bookstores are the core here,"scorpion" said,"in the future, your friends may come from people who like the same book," such as collecting various versions of "little prince," let people who like "little prince" party here, float books.

Address: Wuchang Tan Hualin No. 10 near the end of the street

Go to Han Street to listen to the sky and talk about Chinese studies

Study traditional culture, improve their self-cultivation, friends will not worry about no place to go in the future. On the afternoon of October 25, Tianbuzi Lecture Hall jointly organized by Wuhan Industry Group and Wuhan TV Station opened in Hanjie Headquarters International Building. Mr. Tianbuzi, a well-known Chinese scholar, served as the first lecture teacher, explaining the theme of Confucianism and life cultivation to more than 50 entrepreneurs and Chinese scholars present.

Tianbuzi, a native of Jiangsu Province, has long been engaged in the study and creation of Chinese studies and literature. He is praised as "the unparalleled scholar in the south and the first Zi in the east". He has created four works of Chinese studies and Lao Zhuang's reading. In the lecture, Tianbuzi explained "benevolence" in depth and in simple terms, and explained the modern significance of traditional Chinese learning in combination with current events, winning applause from the scene. He also taught them the traditional greetings of Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism and martial artists, and led them to salute Confucius on the spot.

At present, there is a craze for traditional Chinese learning and poetry in the society. Tianbuzi believes that this is the manifestation of vigorous vitality of traditional culture and should be vigorously advocated to bring more positive energy to the society. It is reported that Tianbuzi Lecture Hall will be held regularly in Han Street Headquarters International Building, once every half month, no threshold, free admission.