Coffee review

Boutique Coffee, Chuefei Mocha

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Ethiopia Yejia Sheffield Mocha (Ethiopia Yirgacheffe) is the hometown of coffee. Thousands of years of planting history and processing tradition in Ethiopia have created high-quality washed Arabica beans. Ethiopia's Yirgacheffe coffee is one of the most unique coffee beans in the world today: it has a strong nostrils.

Ethiopia Yirgacheffe

As the home of coffee, Ethiopia's millennia of growing and processing traditions have resulted in high-quality washed Arabica beans.

Ethiopia's Yirgacheffe coffee is one of the most unique coffee beans in the world today: it has a strong floral aroma, lemon aroma, rich acid but soft and pleasant taste.

Like Suzhou's small family jasper, although petite, but gentle and delicate, sweet and pleasant, without any decoration can attract thousands of love. Medium-roasted yeggar coffee has a distinctive lemon, floral and honey-like sweet aroma, soft fruit acids and citrus flavors, fresh and bright taste.