Coffee review

The most expensive coffee in the world is cat shit coffee. Why is civet coffee so expensive?

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Do you know where the most expensive coffee in the world comes from? The answer is Indonesia. Indonesian Nouak Coffee has conquered foodies all over the world with its unique taste. What is even more peculiar is that the raw material of this kind of coffee comes from cat droppings! The reason why this coffee has an irresistible taste is thanks to the civet Nouak, which feeds on coffee berries and is undigested.

Do you know where the most expensive coffee in the world comes from? The answer is Indonesia. Indonesian Nouak Coffee has conquered foodies all over the world with its unique taste. What is even more peculiar is that the raw material of this kind of coffee comes from cat droppings! The coffee has an irresistible taste thanks to the civet Nuwak, which feeds on coffee berries and the undigested part is excreted through feces. This feces is the raw material for making Nouak coffee.

Kopi Luwak is a traditional specialty in some Indonesian islands, such as Java, Sumatra, Bali and Sulawesi. The civet only contains this unique coffee in its feces after eating local coffee cherries.

In order to get the precious "cat poop coffee beans", local farmers in Indonesia will catch the civets in cages and feed them themselves, while some coffee merchants have simply packed an island to breed the cats so that they can enjoy the natural environment of sunshine and rain. "the civets eat and pull by themselves, and you can't force them to eat or pull, so the coffee beans in the excrement are very precious!"

Wayadilla is picking berries. Two years ago, he and his wife, Sally Artini, fed nine civets.

Civet cats cannot digest coffee beans and pass them out of the body through feces, which farmers collect. In the photo, Della is collecting feces and processing them.

Mixed coffee beans and civet droppings are dried in the sun, then thoroughly washed and lightly roasted.

With the popularity of Nuwak coffee, many family workshops have set up processing plants in their backyards. A large number of coffee beans come from small private farms.

Della is carefully examining the roasted coffee beans. Unlike coffee baked by fire, Nuwak coffee is made from coffee beans that are lightly roasted. The colors of the coffee beans range from cinnamon to medium brown, with a unique taste and taste.

The coffee beans that had just been roasted were dumped on the ground.

The coffee beans are poured into the grinder.

Coffee beans are packed in bags.

Nuwak coffee sells for more than $227 a pound, with Japan and South Korea being the largest consumer markets. This coffee is unique, mild, dark chocolate-like lubrication, with earthy and musk aromas, can be described as the best coffee. Source Xinhuanet