Coffee review

Comprehensive Coffee types and blending characteristics fancy Coffee blending method

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Comprehensive coffee, also known as mixed coffee, is generally composed of three or more different varieties of coffee, which is blended into another coffee with unique flavor according to its sour, bitter, sweet, fragrant and alcohol. the good comprehensive coffee is fragrant, smooth and refreshing, and the color is golden, which is the top grade of the coffee. Mixed coffee drinks are very random, so they seek individual colors. 1 、

Comprehensive coffee, also known as mixed coffee, is generally composed of three or more different varieties of coffee, which is blended into another coffee with unique flavor according to its sour, bitter, sweet, fragrant and alcohol. the good comprehensive coffee is fragrant, smooth and refreshing, and the color is golden, which is the top grade of the coffee. Mixed coffee drinks are very random, so they seek individual colors.

1. Comprehensive types of coffee

According to the type of coffee, the mixed coffee will have different characteristics in taste. There are mainly the following:

(1) mixed coffee with balanced taste

Recipes: Guatemala SHB (30%), Mexico AL (30%), Brazil NO.2 19 (20%), Kilimanjaro AA (10%).

The top comprehensive coffee is the best combination of sour, bitter and fragrant coffee beans, which are mixed together. For example, Guatemalan coffee beans with strong sour taste, Mexican coffee beans with both sour and sweet taste, and Brazilian beans with mild bitterness. Mix these coffee beans in proportion and mix them with Kilimanjaro coffee beans with strong sour flavor. the coffee beans pointed out have a balanced taste and moderate concentration.

(2) bitterness-based mixed coffee

Formula: Sumatra Mantenin G1 (40%), Colombia SUP (30%), Brazil NO.2 19 (20%), Kilimanjaro AA (10%).

To produce strong-flavored coffee beans, you have to choose strong-flavored coffee beans, such as Sumatra mantenin in Indonesia, bitter and sour Colombian beans, and moderately sour Brazilian beans. And Kilimanjaro beans that are mainly sour. The coffee beans made in this way have a bitter taste and are deeply loved by coffee lovers.

(3) mixed coffee with sour taste

Formula: Kilimanjaro AA (20%), Mocha Highland Hara (20%), Brazil NO.2. 19 (20%), Hawaii Kona NO.1 (20%).

To make sour coffee beans, it is necessary to use Kilimanjaro coffee beans, on this basis, with Ethiopia's soft mocha plateau hara, Brazilian beans and moderately acidic Hawaii Kona. In this way, you can mix a sour mixed coffee.

(4) aroma-based comprehensive coffee

Recipes: Guatemala SHB (40%), Kilimanjaro AA (30%), Mocha Highland Hara (30%).

The aroma-based mixed coffee is a mixture of coffee beans with different characteristics to make it more fragrant. Fragrant SHB of Guatemala, acidity of Kilimanjaro beans and natural fruit of Mocha Plateau Hara can be used to produce aromatic and comprehensive coffee.

(5) American mixed coffee

Formula: Brazil NO.2 19 (50%), Mexico AL (30%), Jamaica washed beans (20%).

For those who do not like the taste too much, do not like individual coffee, and only pursue their own taste, American mixed coffee should be the first choice. It uses moderately roasted coffee beans, mainly Brazilian beans with a balanced sour and bitter taste, with sweet and sour Mexican beans and Jamaican water-washed beans with flavor and bitterness, and a unique American mixed coffee was born.

(6) full-bodied and heavy mixed coffee

Recipes: Colombia SUP (50%), Brazil NO.2 19 (30%), Java Robusta WIBI (20%).

To highlight the strong taste, it is necessary to choose Colombian beans with moderate acidity and balanced Brazilian beans, as well as rich, bitter coffee. If you want to add some sweetness, you can match some coffee beans with mild bitterness.

2. The blending characteristics of comprehensive coffee.

Coffee professionals and coffee lovers usually choose individual coffee with pure taste, while the mixed coffee can cater to the tastes of more people, especially those who do not adapt to the bitter taste of coffee and prefer sweets, as well as coffee lovers who are keen on DIY creativity, who often mix coffee with special style and taste according to their own taste. To enjoy this special process. In addition, some bars and cafes also offer a variety of coffee drinks for guests to choose from. However, it is not a simple thing to prepare a good cup of mixed coffee. Some will have strict proportion requirements, and for baristas, it will take some time to practice and master. Below, let's take several kinds of coffee as an example to experience the attractive mellow aroma of comprehensive coffee.

Some people think that espresso is too strong and worry that too much caffeine will affect sleep or health, so they choose French coffee, milk coffee and so on. And the real coffee connoisseurs will mostly use espresso to measure the power of the bar, because espresso can not be covered with water and milk, so it can best show the original taste of coffee.

(1) Cappuccino: cappuccino is a very moderate cup of coffee with a strong taste, because cappuccino is added with foam, and some people drink it in order to enjoy the taste, density and compactness of the foam, so the proportion of milk is very important. Cappuccino can be said to be a very picky cup of coffee, with a ratio of coffee, milk and foam at 1:1:1. A cup of espresso uses about 7g to make 45cc coffee, while a cappuccino or latte uses 60cc, so although there is a lot of milk and foam to dilute the rich feeling of coffee, the amount of coffee has not decreased at all, but increased.

(2) latte: the ratio of coffee to milk to foam in the latte is 1:8:1, so it can be said to be a burden-free cup of coffee, you can drink the warmth of milk, like a cup of milk coffee, but with coffee flavor when drinking milk.

(3) mocha: mocha dilutes coffee with a large amount of milk, which is a deformation of coffee, which can be said to be the most fancy kind of espresso, in which cinnamon and cocoa can be added. Mocha is no longer a simple coffee and has less foam than a latte, replaced by milk, whipped cream and chocolate.