Coffee review

I don't know how to upgrade espresso.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Italian people love to drink coffee, and cafes can be found everywhere on the streets of Italian cities. Authentic Italian steam coffee is so strong that it is called espresso (which is actually a misnomer), known as kung fu coffee by those who know it, and Espresso by those who pack eggs. A good Espresso is like a good base wine.

Italian people love to drink coffee, and cafes can be found everywhere on the streets of Italian cities. Authentic Italian steam coffee is so strong that it is called "espresso"(which is not really appropriate), and the knowledgeable people call it "kung fu coffee", while the egg people call it "Espresso".

A good espresso, like a good base, can be blended with any fancy coffee, like the most popular cappuccino and the most common latte.

"Espresso" means "under pressure" in Italian, which not only reflects the importance of espresso in the production of stress, but also echoes the coffee drinker's desire to "relieve stress." Some people have seen Italian gendarmes carrying submachine guns into coffee bars and ordering a cup of "Espresso" to ease their nervous anti-terrorism nerves.




