Coffee review

Coffee book recommendation "You don't know coffee" coffee control must read

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, A small cup of coffee actually hides many secrets that you would never expect! This book is against the attitude that similar books know what they are and do not know why they are. Coffee control must read classic!★ Interesting, interesting, and stylish coffee knowledge encyclopedia.★ From a rough raw bean to a cup of fragrant coffee, what unexpected secrets are hidden in the middle? Japan Coffee Association

A small cup of coffee actually hides a lot of unexpected secrets! This book contradicts the similar book's attitude of "knowing but not knowing why".

You don't understand coffee coffee control required 1

Content introduction

★ Coffee Control must read the classic!

★ has a rich, interesting, and stylish encyclopedia of coffee knowledge.

What are the unexpected secrets hidden in ★ from a rough raw bean to a cup of strong coffee? Hiroshi Ishiki, the winner of the "Japan Coffee Association President Award", turns you into a Frankenstein in the coffee world, taking you through the surface of the coffee and telling you a little bit about it.

★ perennially ranked first in coffee books in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, and Chinese mainland introduced copyright for the first time.

★ 's book is rational, focused and funny, with more than 100 super cute drawings tailored by the master illustrator, suitable for careful reading with a cup of coffee.

If you like coffee, do you really "know" coffee?

Do raw coffee beans really need to be washed? Seal the freshly roasted coffee beans directly. Why is the bag bulging? How does the extraction time affect the taste of coffee? Does coffee made with mineral water taste better?

A small cup of coffee actually hides a lot of unexpected secrets! Contrary to the attitude of the same kind of book "knowing but not knowing why", this book takes you through the surface of coffee to explore the causes hidden behind the phenomenon and the interest in the details of the smacking process. Accurate navigation in the colorful world of coffee, from the "cold knowledge" of varieties of producing areas, the "micro-principles" of baking extraction to the private know-how of all kinds of appliances. Even the small bag is a real encyclopedia of coffee knowledge, interesting and stylish.

Open this book and read it carefully, you will know more about the fun and beauty of coffee.

You don't understand coffee coffee control required 3

You don't understand coffee coffee control required 2

A brief introduction to the author

Ishihiro Ishikawa, Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo, lecturer in the Coffee Identification Committee of Japan, winner of the all-Japan Coffee Association President Award, a coffee fanatic who combines his work with hobbies.

He joined Kansai Coffee roasting Alliance in 1999 and has been in charge of coffee manufacturing process, quality management and research and development. Since 2001, he has traveled to various coffee producing areas around the world, engaged in all-round coffee research from cultivation to extraction, and published a number of best-selling books related to coffee, including the barista Identification textbook. Since its launch, this book has perennially topped the list of coffee books in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, and is known as the "coffee control must-read classic".