Coffee review

Why do some coffee beans have a shiny surface?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Have you ever seen oily coffee beans? Why do some coffee beans have a shiny surface, while others are dry, comfortable and non-greasy? What is the relationship between the "oil" of coffee beans and the freshness? Should we buy coffee beans with or without oil on the outside? Coffee oil, which is not oil, which is evenly distributed on the surface of coffee beans, is actually not oil, but a kind of water that looks like oil.

Have you ever seen coffee beans that look oily? Why do some coffee beans have a shiny surface, while others are "dry and comfortable" and not greasy? What is the relationship between coffee beans and freshness? Should we buy coffee beans with "oil" or "no oil" appearance?

Coffee oil is not oil.

These "oils" evenly distributed on the surface of coffee beans are not actually "oils", but water-soluble organic substances that look like oils. Coffee oil itself contains a lot of coffee aroma components that dissolve in water, so the surface of your brewed coffee does not float a layer of greasy grease.

2 reasons: oil beans

a stale light baked beans b fresh dark baked beans.

a) stale medium baked beans

The "light roasted beans" with lighter roasting temperature and light brown appearance will be dry after roasting, and will not produce oil. About six days after roasting, the phenomenon of "dot oil" begins to appear (dotted oil droplets appear on one side of the coffee beans). The slight "dot oil" does not mean that it is not fresh, but sometimes the flavor of the light roasted coffee beans is at its peak. Continue to put it down, after more than two weeks, the surface of the light baked beans gradually appears a layer of bright oil, at this time, the flavor of the light baked beans has begun to decline, should avoid buying.

b) Fresh deep-baked beans

Dark baked beans with dark brown appearance appear slightly oily after baking, and a large amount of oil begins to appear on the surface from the second day to the fifth day. The appearance of oily "dark baked beans" does not mean that they are not fresh. On the contrary, the appearance of oily beans will gradually dry out after three weeks, and finally become dry and tasteless beans. Therefore, if you see coffee beans that are dry and not oily, but appear dark brown in appearance, please pay special attention to their roasting date. It is very likely that they have deteriorated.

So choose coffee beans, do not be fooled by "oil light" oh!