Coffee review

How to choose a coffee maker? Let's list the main points related to the selection of appliances.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, If you choose a suitable coffee machine, it will be a headache for many people who come into contact with coffee utensils for the first time. Many people will take pictures of one with a suitable price and satisfactory appearance, or simply buy one according to the style of a friend's house. In this way, coffee utensils bought back will often find that they do not like it, and some of them even have the functions they need.

If you choose a suitable coffee machine, it will be a headache for many people who come into contact with coffee utensils for the first time. Many people will take pictures of one with a suitable price and satisfactory appearance, or simply buy one according to the style of a friend's house. In this way of choice, coffee utensils bought back will often find that they do not like it, and some of them can not even achieve the functions they need. There is another decoration in the house: (in fact, as long as you find a knowledgeable seller and consult clearly, you can generally buy the right utensils. Let's list the relevant points of selecting utensils. I hope it will be helpful to you who are choosing coffee utensils.

First of all: to be convenient, if a coffee machine is very troublesome to use, and you happen to be a person who pursues efficiency and is afraid of trouble, it is estimated that the number of times you use it will be greatly reduced, and there will be one more idle product at home. From this point of view, the American coffee machine is a good choice. The machine uses electric heating. As long as you add water, install the coffee powder, press the switch, the coffee will come out automatically, and when the coffee is brewed and the power is turned off, you can enjoy convenient and fast coffee. American coffee maker is much better than siphon pot or mocha pot heated by alcohol stove in terms of convenience.

Secondly: taste concentration, many people think that the concentration of coffee is determined by coffee powder, in fact, the same coffee powder, if boiled with different utensils, the concentration and taste will be very different. American coffee machine is suitable for brewing American coffee. American coffee tastes fresh and light, suitable for moderately roasted coffee, such as American specialty coffee beans, mocha, Colombia, Brazil and so on. If you like strong coffee, you can partially make up for it by adding coffee filter paper when making coffee, or it is recommended to choose an electric mocha pot (click this link to read the introduction)

Third: cleaning, after coffee, there is always a mess to clean up, I am very lazy, of course, like the simpler the better, the cleaning of the American coffee machine makes me very satisfied, several parts that need to be cleaned can be disassembled and washed directly with water. It's really convenient, it's done in one minute.

Finally: the quality is good, this coffee machine has passed the national compulsory 3C certification, and has 3C certification logo on the machine, brown friends can rest assured to buy, at present, many similar American coffee machines on the market do not have 3C certification, for safety considerations, please choose carefully, and this coffee machine not only has 3C certification, but also has been verified by many brown friends for a long time. It has been sold in Taobao for more than two years and has a huge sales volume. The satisfaction of the brown friends who bought it is very high.