Coffee review

Coffee from different regions has different flavors.

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, After coffee beans spread to all parts of the world, due to the different climate, soil quality, planting methods and processing methods, the taste can be said to be completely different. The basic characteristics of the taste of Arabica coffee beans from various major producing areas are listed below. Something commonly thought of as coffee

After coffee beans spread to all parts of the world, due to the different climate, soil quality, planting methods and processing methods, the taste of coffee beans can be said to be completely different. Here is a list of the basic flavor characteristics of Arabica coffee beans from different producing areas (it should be noted that the flavor of coffee produced by different producing areas and different farms in the same place will be different. Some coffee producing areas that are generally considered to be of mediocre coffee quality will also breed amazing boutique coffee in some coffee estates!