Coffee review

Who says Brazil doesn't have good coffee? Brazil is the world's largest coffee producer.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Brazil is the world's largest coffee producer. There are many kinds of coffee in Brazil. Most of the Brazilian coffee is sun-treated, and they are classified according to the name of the state of origin and the port of transport. Of the 21 states in Brazil, 17 produce coffee, but four of them produce the largest, accounting for 98% of the country's total output. They are: Parana, Sao Paulo,

Brazil is the world's largest coffee producer. There are many kinds of coffee in Brazil. Most of the Brazilian coffee is sun-treated, and they are classified according to the name of the state of origin and the port of transport. Of Brazil's 21 states, 17 produce coffee, but four of them produce the largest, accounting for 98 per cent of the country's total output: Parana, Sao Paulo, Minas Gerais and Espirito Santo, with the southern state producing the most, accounting for 50 per cent of total production. Among them, Minas province is the most famous small producing area, its flavor is extremely warm and smooth, is Brazil's top coffee, good Brazilian beans, chocolate bittersweet taste, rich oil.

Fazenda Boa Vista Fairview Farm is in the Minas producing area, Fazenda Boa Vista.

It has always been the victorious force of Brazil's CoE and has achieved remarkable results every year. From light baking to heavy baking is sweet, with dry aromas of chocolate, nuts and caramel. After the entrance, smooth and round, sweet and full, low complexity, low acidity, full balance with fruity aromas, with citrus, lemon, apple, orange flavor, excellent balance and return sweet.

English name: Huang Boben, Fairview Farm, Brazil

English name: Brazil Fazenda Boa Vista

Evaluation score: 87

Coffee country: Brazil

Farm: Fazenda Boa Vista

Farmer: Alberto Franklin Pereira Ferraz

Region: Patro í nio, Cerrado Mineiro, Minas Gerais

Farm size: 60 hectares

Coffee planting area: 15 hectares

Altitude: 1350 m

Variety: Huang Boben Yellow Bourbon

Treatment: natural fermentation with mucous membrane similar to honey treatment (Pulped Natural)