Coffee review

Espresso of Classic Coffee tasting Guide for Italian Coffee (Italian concentrate)

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Espresso, known as espresso in China, is a type of coffee with strong taste. It was invented and developed in Italy at the beginning of the 20th century. it is a small cup of coffee that uses excellent coffee beans to add hot water and uses steam pressure to extract the coffee liquid instantly. What makes Espresso different is that its formation is given a specific meaning. Italians after work like it.

Espresso, known as "espresso" in China, is a type of coffee with strong taste. It was invented and developed in Italy at the beginning of the 20th century. it is a small cup of coffee that uses excellent coffee beans to add hot water and uses steam pressure to extract the coffee liquid instantly. What makes Espresso different is that its formation is given a specific meaning. After-work Italians like to refresh themselves with coffee, but in order to save time, they need a simple and strong cup of coffee, so they have its representative drink Espresso, which means espresso.

The production of Espresso is relatively simple, as long as the boiling water is forced by steam pressure to pass through the very fine and extruded coffee powder to absorb the strongest taste of the coffee, and then drop it into the cup below, so the coffee machine must be able to shut down very quickly, and when the coffee machine drips golden coffee, this is Espresso. But a good Espresso is hard to make at home, and it needs a highly professional coffee maker. Whether the pressure of the machine is big enough, the water circulation system is smooth enough, the handle or even the powder press is smooth enough, will affect the appearance of a cup of Espresso. The production time should not exceed 30 seconds, the temperature should not exceed 90 degrees Celsius, the manual power of pressing powder should be at least more than 20 kilograms, and the coffee oil should be 3 mm thick, which is extremely accurate. These figures are absolutely unbearable for non-professional baristas. The best Espresso surface will be covered with a thick layer of dark brown grease with fine markings, which is wonderful without any extra decoration. Of course, a good Espresso is also a good base wine, and you can make any fancy coffee, such as the most popular cappuccino and the most common latte are blended with Espresso.

Espresso is the most popular coffee in Europe. If you only ask for coffee when you order in a cafe or restaurant, the waiter will definitely bring a small cup of espresso directly. Europeans like to use small glasses similar to Shooter, and most of them are drunk in one or two mouthfuls, few of them are slow, just the opposite of the Chinese. After the Espresso is taken out, it needs to be drunk quickly, generally speaking, it should be consumed within two minutes. If the time is too long, the coffee oil will spread and spread to the taste. At the same time, the decrease in temperature caused by drinking for a long time will affect the aroma and taste, and completely lose the origin of Espresso, so drinking Espresso does not need a very special environment, and sometimes you don't even need a table. In Italian cafes, many people like to stand at the bar and watch the barista cook a cup of Espresso gracefully and fluently, and then bring it over and drink it in three seconds.

Espresso has a strong aroma, strong taste, mellow taste, rich coffee oil, is the strongest kind of coffee, to some extent, it is a kind of coffee for men, especially Double espresso. Double does not mean doubling the amount of coffee, but the same amount of water, double the amount of coffee powder, coffee still looks like that, but the concentration has doubled. The level is equivalent to the essence in spirits and perfumes, which is more choking, and not everyone can bear it. Drinking this kind of coffee will spoil people. If you get used to such a strong taste, other coffees will taste like plain boiled water.

Espresso is the soul of the coffee world, it emphasizes the original flavor of coffee, so before drinking Espresso, it is best to drink some water or fresh lemonade to clear the taste, at least not thirsty. At the same time, because Espresso does not add fresh milk and caramel, its bitterness is amplified, and female coffee lovers can try a sweeter cake or pudding to neutralize the taste, so that Espresso will not find it so unacceptable.