Coffee review

Analysis of the composition of coffee beans what ingredients are contained in a coffee bean?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Raw bean (unit: percentage) moisture: 11.3 fat: 11.7 protein: 11.8 sugar: 8.0 essence: 17.1 caffeine: 1.3 Salmonic acid: 6.0 Minerals: 4.2 crude fiber: 28.6 cooked bean moisture: 2.5 fat: 13.2 protein: 12.8 sugar: 1.8 essence: 29.6 caffeine: 1.3 Salvianolic acid: 4 .0 mineral: 5.2 crude fiber: 29.


Raw beans (unit: percentage)

Moisture: 11.3

Fat: 11.7

Protein: 11.8

Sugar: 8.0

Essence: 17.1

Caffeine: 1.3

Salvianolic acid: 6.0

Minerals: 4.2

Crude fiber: 28.6

Ripe bean

Moisture: 2.5

Fat: 13.2

Protein: 12.8

Sugar: 1.8

Essence: 29.6

Caffeine: 1.3

Tannic acid: 4.0

Minerals: 5.2

Crude fiber: 29.6

Composition analysis

Caffeine: caffeine is the most eye-catching of all the ingredients in coffee. Its effect is extremely extensive, and it will affect the brain, heart, blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract, muscle, kidney and other parts of the human body. An appropriate amount of caffeine stimulates the cerebral cortex, promotes sensation, judgment, memory, and emotional activity, makes the myocardial function more active, dilates blood vessels, enhances blood circulation, and improves metabolic function. Caffeine can also reduce muscle fatigue and promote digestive juice secretion. In addition, because it also promotes kidney function and helps the body expel sodium ions from the body, caffeine does not accumulate in the body like other narcotic and excitatory substances and will be excreted in about two hours.

Tannic acid: the refined tannic acid will turn into a yellowish powder, which can easily blend into the water. Once boiled, it will decompose and produce pyrosylic acid, making the coffee taste worse.

Fat: the fat contained in coffee plays a very important role in the smell of coffee. After analysis, it is found that there are many kinds of fats in coffee, the most important of which are acidic fat and volatile fat. Acidic fat means that fat contains acid, and its strength varies with different types of coffee. Volatile fat is the main source of coffee aroma. It is a very complex and delicate thing that emits 40 kinds of aromatic substances.

Sugar: coffee beans contain about 8% sugar. After baking, most of the sugar will be converted to caramel, bringing a unique brown to the coffee.

Extract: can be divided into several kinds, accounting for nearly 1/3 of baked beans, light is still not known to cause what effect of the substance.

Minerals: there are lime, iron, sulfur, sodium carbonate, chlorine and so on, but because the proportion is not high, it does not affect the flavor of coffee, which will only bring a little astringency.

Crude fiber: the fiber of raw beans will be carbonized after baking. The caramelization of carbon and sugar combine to form the hue of coffee, but the fiber turned into powder will have a considerable impact on the flavor of coffee.

The composition of coffee



Affect the flavor of coffee


1. Plants of the genus Flavin and theobromine, the same as theophylline.

two。 Stimulate cerebral cortex and vasodilation.

3. Promote kidney function and diuresis.

4. Stimulate stomach peristalsis, stomach disease should not drink too much.

Palate: bitter

Salbutyric acid

1. Yellowish powder.

two。 When boiled, pyrosylic acid is produced.

Sour taste, sweet taste


1. Coffee contains a lot of fat.

two。 There are mainly acidic fat and volatile fat.

Acid fat-sour taste

Volatile fat-fragrance


1. The source of calorie can not be filtered out.

two。 It will be carbonized after baking.

Coffee liquid is dark brown and fragrant.

Carbonization shows a bitter taste.


1. It will be converted into caramel after baking.

two。 Caramel will combine with tannic acid to form a slightly bitter sweet taste.

Coffee liquid is dark brown and fragrant.

It tastes bitter after caramel.

Extract essence

1. The reason why coffee is called coffee.

two。 At present, it has not been found out what kind of substance is formed.

Palate: mellow

Mineral substance

1. The proportion of coffee ingredients is very low.

two。 It has little effect on the quality and flavor of coffee.

Taste: astringent taste

Crude fiber

1. It will be carbonized after baking.

two。 Carbonization and caramelization combine to form a coffee hue.

The coffee liquid is dark brown and bitter

Main raw materials:


Of course there are coffee pineapple in the coffee jar.. But coffee..

Coffee.. Let's talk about it. Coffee, plant name, Rubiaceae

Born in the tropics, an evergreen shrub

Two feet tall, the leaves are oval.

White flowers, dried fruit and ground into powder can be used as a beverage.

According to the coffee grown in different regions and the different cultural customs of different places.

Different ways of drinking coffee have been bred..

One by one in front of people.

Caffeine is one of the most characteristic coffee ingredients, which can make you excited, diuretic and digestible.

Detoxification. 100g of coffee beans.. Contains about 1.3 g of caffeine.

A can of 250ml coffee contains more caffeine than 200PPM.


Water is a colorless and senseless transparent liquid needed in daily life.

The company that makes these coffee drinks

More factories are set up in places with good water quality..

So everyone can rest assured to take a big drink..

Granulated sugar

The primary brown sucrose is a white lump of sugar 3. Carbohydrate:

Coffee contains only a small amount of sugar, but once roasted, it will be lactose and form.

The characteristic brown of coffee.

Once baked, the fiber will be carbonized.. After the fusion of perforated saccharified carbohydrates.

It forms the characteristic color of coffee.

Fatty acid sucrose lipid

Fatty acids are the combination of CH+1COOH machine and alkane machine.

Sucrose fat. It's sucralipid. Write to those who know!

There are about 6 grams of tannic acid in 100g fresh coffee beans. It's the reason why the coffee is drunk.

The reason why you will suffer. But the degree of bitterness is inversely proportional to the degree of baking.

Emulsion tranquilizer

Emulsification is when two are mixed together without melting or precipitating.

Of course! How can the coffee in the coffee jar be emulsified?

So add emulsion tranquilizer to keep him in a perfect state of harmony..

Sodium citrate

This is an organic compound..

It's a colorless crystal..

With a refreshing smell..

All the fruits like Lianzi and oranges have this taste..

Nutritive composition

Internal capacity

The average coffee can contains 375ml. 310ml. 300ml. 250ml. Wait for several different specifications..

There is also an extra 50%. This is... I don't remember the number..

Heat quantity

Usually; usually. A can of 250ml coffee contains 100 calories..


Fat. It's animal oil.

It's a little disgusting to say that.

Don't be afraid to drink coffee because of this.

The fat content of a can of 250 is usually 1.6 grams.. The source is milk..

Play an important role in improving the flavor of coffee.


The compound between carbon and water.. Carbon is also a very important component of the human body..

A can of 250ml coffee contains 20 grams of carbohydrates..


A complex compound synthesized by polymerization of amino acids. It is an important component of the human body. 4. Protein:

The fried coffee contains almost no protein. But even if the amount is small, after the protein is broken down.

It can also improve the flavor of coffee.

A can of 250ml coffee contains 3.4g of protein..


This is a substance with considerable activity.. From a chemical point of view

From a healthy point of view. Calcium.. It is of great help to the human body.

It can prevent crisp bone disease.

A can of 250ml coffee contains 83 milligrams of calcium.