Coffee review

The method of making coffee in Moka Pot mocha pot

Published: 2024-05-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/05/20, Grind about 20-22g of coffee powder, which is the same thickness as the Espresso coffee machine. Pour half the water into the bottom of the pot. Put the matching metal filter in place. Gently put the coffee powder into the strainer. Smooth the coffee at the top with your fingers. The best way: from top to bottom, then from right to left. In other words, from 12: 00 to 6: 00, and then from 3: 00 to 9: 00.

Moka Pot摩卡壶 冲泡咖啡方法步骤 一

Moka Pot摩卡壶 冲泡咖啡方法步骤 一

Grind about 20-22g of coffee powder, which is the same thickness as the Espresso coffee machine.

Moka Pot摩卡壶 冲泡咖啡方法步骤 二

Pour half the water into the bottom of the pot.

Moka Pot摩卡壶 冲泡咖啡方法步骤 三

Put the matching metal filter in place.

Moka Pot摩卡壶 冲泡咖啡方法步骤 四

Gently put the coffee powder into the strainer.

Moka Pot摩卡壶 冲泡咖啡方法步骤 五

Smooth the coffee at the top with your fingers. The best way: from top to bottom, then from right to left. In other words, from 12: 00 to 6: 00, and then from 3: 00 to 9: 00. You can knock a few times on the counter. It's up to you.

Moka Pot摩卡壶 冲泡咖啡方法步骤 六

Tighten the upper body of the pot, it will be heated later!

Moka Pot摩卡壶 冲泡咖啡方法步骤 七

Put the mocha pot in the middle of the stove.

Moka Pot摩卡壶 冲泡咖啡方法步骤 八

When the water in the bottom pot boils, the internal pressure of the bottom pot forgets it to extract the coffee and flows out of the nozzle in the middle of the upper pot into the cup body. If the coffee liquid is ejected explosively, it means the water temperature is too high, on the contrary, it is too slow to flow out, it means the water temperature is too low, and you have to increase the fire a little more. When the sound of hissing and bubbling was heard, the coffee was made.

Moka Pot摩卡壶 冲泡咖啡方法步骤 九

Be careful when pouring coffee into the cup. The mocha pot is integrated with metal and it's still hot. Finally, enjoy the coffee!