Coffee review

Coffee and milk are bad for your health? Coffee + milk = harmful to health?

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, There are many theories about coffee and milk, and here the editor has made a little integration. I hope it can help you a little! Question 1: coffee + milk = harmful to health? Food is the most important thing for the people, and when people live, they have to eat. But only a reasonable and scientific diet can promote health. On the contrary, improper diet will cause harm to the body. Therefore, nutrition

There are many theories about coffee and milk, and here the editor has made a little integration. I hope it can help you a little!

Question 1: coffee + milk = harmful to health?

Food is the most important thing for the people, and when people live, they have to eat. But only a reasonable and scientific diet can promote health. On the contrary, improper diet will cause harm to the body. Therefore, nutritionists warn consumers that coffee + milk = harmful to health.

Drinking coffee in moderation (no more than two cups a day) is good for the heart and brain. Milk rich in calcium is a good drink to strengthen bones. However, long-term consumption of milk and coffee can cause damage to the liver because the mixture produces an unstable and indigestible emulsion. The French drink the most coffee and milk in the world, but no more people suffer from hepatitis than other countries. it turns out that there is a trick: pour the coffee into the milk instead of the milk, and it is best to use skim milk. This will prevent the milk from spoiling in your stomach.

Question 2: drinking too much caffeinated drinks is prone to kidney stones?

The expert's answer: yes! Drinking too much caffeinated drinks is easy to suffer from kidney stones!

Drinking too many caffeinated drinks can lead to kidney stones, a new study has found.

Surveys show that when people drink too much caffeinated drinks, the amount of calcium in their urine increases significantly, making them more likely to develop stones.

Dr. Linda Marcy of the University of Washington says calcium is the main component of stones.

If you take more caffeine, the risk is even greater. Dr. Linda Marcy and Dr. Roger Sutton asked 39 people who had had kidney stones and nine people who had never had them to do the test. They first asked these people to fast for 14 hours before the experiment. The subjects then examined their urine samples two hours before and after drinking caffeinated drinks.

In their research report, the two doctors said that urine samples from both groups had increased levels of calcium, sodium, magnesium and citrate.

Dr. Lindamasi explained that magnesium and citrate in the body can help prevent the formation of kidney stones. However, after drinking caffeinated drinks, these are also excreted from the body, increasing the risk of lithiasis.

Question 3: oranges, juice, sugar, chocolate and medicine should not be eaten with milk?

It is not suitable to eat oranges for about an hour before and after drinking milk. Because once the protein in the milk meets the acid in the orange, it will solidify, thus affecting the digestion and absorption of the milk, and it is not suitable to eat other acidic fruits in this period of time.

80% of the protein in milk is casein. When the pH of milk is below 4.6, a large amount of casein will agglutinate and precipitate, which is difficult to digest and absorb. In severe cases, it may also lead to indigestion or diarrhea.

Therefore, acidic drinks such as fruit juice should not be added to milk.

The lysine contained in milk can react with fructose under heating conditions to form toxic fructose-lysine, which is harmful to human body. Do not add sugar to the fresh milk when it is boiled. It is not too late to add sugar when the milk is a little cooler.

Milk is rich in protein and calcium, while chocolate contains oxalic acid, which can be combined with food to form insoluble calcium oxalate, which greatly affects the absorption of calcium. Even dry hair, diarrhea, slow growth and other phenomena.

Some people like to take medicine with milk instead of boiled water. in fact, milk will obviously affect the absorption of drugs in the human body. Because milk is easy to form a covering film on the surface of the drug, calcium, magnesium and other minerals in milk react with the drug to form insoluble substances, thus affecting the release and absorption of drug efficacy. Therefore, do not drink milk for an hour before and after taking the medicine.

Question 4: can coffee increase libido and improve sexual function?

Coffee is a "foreign drink" that has crept into the homes of Chinese people in recent years. It is also a stimulant that, to some extent, increases the body's sensitivity to the outside world or to itself. Therefore, after drinking coffee, the sexual pleasure produced by sex life is particularly impressed. The exciting effect of coffee will increase sexual excitement, increase sexual desire, shorten the time for the most exciting part of sex to appear, and the effect on women is more obvious than that of men. Some people abroad think that drinking a cup of coffee every day can enhance sexual desire and improve sexual function!

But coffee is a stimulant, drinking too much is not good for the human body, it can make people still in a state of excitement after sex, not conducive to physical and mental recovery. In recent years, many foreign experiments have found that large doses of coffee have mutagenic effect. Therefore, experts advise that coffee is not suitable for long-term drinking or excessive drinking, it is better to drink less.

Question 5: which makes you fatter, yogurt or milk?

When it comes to heat, it is necessary to understand its composition. Although each brand varies, most of the content contains nothing more than milk, pectin, fructose and spices. As Chinese people are generally not used to yogurt that is too sour, manufacturers will add granulated sugar or fructose to flavor, thus adding a lot of calories.

Low-fat milk 240cc contains about 120 calories, while the same portion of low-fat yogurt contains 150Me 200 calories (depending on the brand), so the calories are much more than expected. If you want to drink less calorie yogurt, it is recommended that you choose non-fat and low-calorie yogurt, because the same 240cc only contains about 100 calories.

Expert conclusion: generally speaking, yogurt is higher in calories than milk. Women who are afraid of being fat should carefully choose brands and types, and their consumption should be limited, otherwise they will unwittingly drink a lot of calories.

Question 6: milk and eggs are not the perfect breakfast?

Answer: yes, because milk and eggs don't provide enough nutrition. Drink a glass of milk, eat an egg, eat some sliced meat, take a fruit and rush out of the house. This is the breakfast chosen by many office workers. But from a modern nutritional point of view, with this combination, the intake of protein and fat is enough, while ignoring the intake of carbohydrates.