Coffee review

What kind of water is usually used for brewing coffee?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Coffee is the essence extracted from the meeting of coffee powder and water. Therefore, in addition to good coffee beans, water quality and water temperature are of course the key role in releasing the aroma of coffee. It is recommended that you install a filter containing activated carbon under the faucet so that you can have good water suitable for brewing coffee.


Coffee is the essence extracted from the meeting of coffee powder and water. Therefore, in addition to good coffee beans, water quality and water temperature are of course the key role in releasing the aroma of coffee. It is recommended that you install a filter containing activated carbon under the faucet so that you can have good water suitable for brewing coffee.

Which is the most suitable for hard water and soft water?

If you want to make a good cup of coffee, you need to work hard not just to choose and bake and brew it. 99% of the coffee poured into the cup is "water". From this point of view, water can be said to be the secret key to the taste of coffee.

When it comes to the nature of water, there are all kinds of bottled water on the market in recent years, and we can often hear words such as "hard water" and "soft water" in our daily life. In fact, according to the hardness of water, water is roughly divided into hard water and soft water. The hardness of the so-called hard water refers to the total concentration of calcium and magnesium ions in the water. The lower concentration is soft water, while the higher concentration is called hard water. For example, the tap water or groundwater in Japan is almost all soft water, while in Europe and the United States, it is mostly hard water. As for which kind of hard water and soft water is more suitable for brewing coffee, there is no definite answer, but the mineral content in the water does affect the taste of the water.

Generally speaking, water with too much or too little minerals is considered to be unbalanced water quality. It is assumed that the high content of calcium and magnesium ions will hinder the extraction of coffee main ingredients such as caffeine and high-quality tannin. On the other hand, if the water quality with high hardness is high, its effect will be directly reflected in the bitterness of coffee.

But then again, what kind of water can play the greatest sense of balance when brewing coffee depends on the individual's "taste" and "preferences".

Do you know,

There are certain conditions for good water!

In fact, there are four basic conditions for good water, namely, tasteless, colorless, containing the right amount of minerals (30-200mg/kg) and oxygen, and a water temperature of 10 Mel 15 ℃. It is precisely because of this that natural springs or groundwater that can meet these four conditions will brew delicious coffee.

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Change the taste by the temperature of cooking

The temperature and brewing speed of hot water when extracting coffee will also affect the taste.



Take your preferences as the benchmark. Coffee beans have a moderate personality, bitter, sour and strong taste balance, is the most standard taste. The speed of hot water injection extraction is also the standard speed.

American system


So that people can enjoy the combination of light aroma and sour taste, praised to those who can not accept the strong bitter taste of coffee. Switching to deep-roasted coffee beans will become a bitter coffee recipe.

European system


Fully enjoy the combination of strong bitterness and strong aroma. European coffee formula shows a very personalized taste, but also very suitable for adding milk to drink.

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Soft water

Soft Water

The tap water in Japan, especially the mineral water in China, is mostly soft water with low mineral content. Because there are few minerals, it has little effect on the composition of coffee. It shows the most round and smooth taste during the trial.

Absorb one of the best soft water from the water source in Japan

The bottled soft water is made by absorbing the natural water bred by nature from the water sources all over Japan (Yamanashi, Toyama, Bird, etc.) and sealing bottles directly on the spot.

Water of the forest


Sodium: 1.25mg

Calcium: 0.85mg

Potassium: 0.10mg

Magnesium; 0.29mg

Hardness: 33.1mg/L


(per 100mL)

NL Hot Spring Water, which is popular with women

The hot spring water gushing from the SPA Resort in New Zealand is made into micromolecular mineral water, which is highly alkaline soft water.



Sodium; 0.16mg

Calcium: 1.2mg

Potassium: 0.26mg

Magnesium: 0.26mg

Hardness; 42mg/L


(per 10mL)

Medium hard water

Middle Hard Water

Water containing an appropriate amount of calcium, between soft water and hard water. In the process of drinking compared with soft water, lack of smooth taste, but moderate acidity and bitterness, irritation is also reduced to a certain extent, it can be said that all aspects are more balanced taste.

Worldwide popularity

The representative brand of medium hard water

The water source of Cachat, taken from the small town of Evian near Lake Geneva in the foothills of Mount Blanc, is the world-famous medium hard water. Contains extremely delicate proportions of calcium and magnesium.



Sodium; 0.7mg

Calcium: 8.0mg

Potassium: 0mg

Magnesium: 2.6mg

Hardness; 304mg/L


(per 10mL)

Hard water (super hard water)

Hard Water

Most of the European and American minerals produced in Europe and other places are hard water. Water contains minerals that interact with coffee ingredients, and the coffee brewed has a bitter taste, which is believed to be the best choice for people who stay up late to work and need coffee to refresh themselves, or those who seek to stimulate the taste.

Superhard water with hardness more than 1400 represents

The market share of mineral water in France ranks second, with high hardness, which can be said to be the representative brand of "super hard water".



Sodium; 0.94mg

Calcium: 46.8mg

Potassium: 0.28mg

Magnesium: 7.45mg

Hardness; 1468mg/L


(per 10mL)

The great influence of a small action

The knack of making tap water taste better

It contains the smell of lime, which can degrade the aroma of coffee. This situation can be reduced a lot after filtering and boiling in the water purifier. in addition, the use of activated carbon filter containing salt can also be effectively improved.

Boil the water with the bassstone, even the tap water will become round and smooth. Linden stone can be used semi-permanently and is a very convenient stone.

The "Tokyo Water" sold by the Tokyo Metropolitan Water supply Department is tap water that has been treated with highly purified water.