Coffee review

How do you make coffee with milk? can you add milk to the coffee?

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Now drinking coffee has become a habit of white-collar workers, but some like to drink bitter coffee without milk, others like coffee with milk or sugar, everyone likes it differently. So is coffee and milk healthy? How would you like your coffee with milk? The kind of milk coffee mixed with milk has a strong flavor, and the more famous ones are as follows: 1. Cappuccino: at the beginning of the 20th century, it meant a lot.

Now drinking coffee has become a habit of white-collar workers, but some like to drink bitter coffee without milk, others like coffee with milk or sugar, everyone likes it differently. So is coffee and milk healthy? How would you like your coffee with milk?

The types of milk coffee

Coffee mixed with milk has a strong flavor, and the more famous ones are the following:

1. Cappuccino: at the beginning of the 20th century, Italian Achigasha invented the steam pressure coffee machine, but also developed cappuccino coffee. It is in the strong coffee, pour in the milk that is foamed with steam.

Pour the partially skimmed milk into a pot, then use a foamer to foam and inflate the milk, and let the milk be as uniform as whipped cream without burning. The cappuccino coffee cup should be warm or the milk foam will spread. You can usually put these cups on the top of the coffee maker to keep warm. Pour the milk and foam on top of the espresso and form a natural layer, just like wrapping the coffee below. Note that the brewed Italian coffee is about five cents full, and the hot milk that has been foamed is about eight cents full. Finally, you can sprinkle a little cinnamon or chocolate powder and pour the rest of the milk together to make a delicious cappuccino.

2. Latte: latte is actually a change of Italian coffee. The brewing procedure is the same as that of cappuccino, but the proportion of coffee, milk and milk foam is adjusted slightly.

1. Soak the cup (warm cup) in hot water to raise the temperature, and then pour out the excess water for use.

two。 Grind the deep-roasted coffee beans, pour the coffee powder into the filler, flatten the coffee powder with a press stick, then buckle the filler to the espresso machine extraction port, and extract the ESPRESSO (coffee / fresh milk at 1:1).

3. Take the right amount of milk and put it under the steam nozzle of the espresso machine to steam it into hot milk.

4. Pour the steamed milk into the cup.

5. Shake the cup up and down to make the foam rise.

6. Finally, pour the ESPRESSO into the cup slowly.

How do you make coffee with milk? can you add milk to the coffee?

3. French milk coffee: in French milk coffee, the ratio of coffee to milk is 1:1, so when orthodox French milk coffee is brewed, you should hold the milk pot and coffee pot with both hands and pour it into the coffee cup from both sides at the same time.

Since the ratio of coffee to milk is 1:1, when making orthodox French milk coffee, you should hold the milk pot and coffee pot with both hands and pour it into the coffee cup at the same time, so you need considerable wrist strength. Because of the high latitude and cold climate in France, when drinking this kind of milk coffee, we usually choose a cup such as a mug or a large bowl without a handle, so that we can keep warm by holding the cup with both hands when drinking.

French Milk Coffee brewing steps:

1. Pour the coffee into a special kettle of French milk coffee. You can choose deep-fried and strong coffee.

two。 Pour the hot milk into another jug. The ratio of coffee to milk is 1:1.

3. Pour coffee and milk at the same time. When pouring in, it should be noted that the outflow of the two pots should be the same.

Tip: the fat in whole milk will mask the subtle taste of coffee, so try to use half-fat or low-fat milk. Pay attention to the temperature of the milk. Milk that is not rolled up because of the heat can add a touch of delicious lubrication to the coffee.

Milk foam production

1. Pour the milk into the milk bubble pot, and the amount should not exceed 1 / 2 of the milk bubble pot, otherwise the milk will spill over due to expansion when making the milk bubble.

2. Heat the milk to about 60 degrees, but not more than 70 degrees, otherwise the protein structure in the milk will be destroyed. Note: the lid and strainer cannot be heated directly. (for example, make ice foam to cool the milk below 5 degrees Celsius, of course, do not overfreeze and let the milk freeze.)

3, cover the lid and the filter, quickly twitch the filter to press the air into the milk, there is no need to press to the end, because it is to pump the air into the milk, so as to act on the surface of the milk; the number of times is not too much, gently twitch about 30 times.

4. Remove the lid and strainer and scrape off the thick foam with a spoon, leaving dense hot (ice) foam.

How about milk and coffee?

First, add milk to the coffee

Nutritionists point out that if milk is added to coffee, it will do harm to health. Drinking the right amount of coffee can help relieve physical and mental stress, to a certain extent, can also play a weight loss and fat reduction effect. On the other hand, drinking milk can strengthen the bones and keep the brain healthy. But drinking milk coffee together produces an emulsion that can damage the health of the liver. Therefore, when drinking coffee, it is not appropriate to pour milk into the coffee.

Add coffee to the milk

In many countries in the world, the French drink the most milk coffee combinations. If drinking milk coffee together is harmful to liver health, then the French should have a higher incidence of hepatitis than people in other countries. But in fact, the French are no more likely to suffer from hepatitis than the average country. Why is that?

It turns out that the French usually pour coffee in milk, which is different from the way we are used to pouring milk in coffee. The combination order of milk and coffee of the former can prevent the deterioration of milk in the stomach. The latter can damage the health of the liver. In addition, skim milk is best used in milk coffee combinations.

The skill of making Milk Coffee

Choosing different milk products can give the coffee a different flavor and enjoy the varied taste.

1. Fresh cream: also known as whipped cream. This is a high concentration of cream that separates fat from fresh milk and has a wide range of uses, such as making butter, ice cream, cakes, or making coffee. The highest fat content of fresh cream is 45% to 50%, and the lowest is 25% to 35%. Coffee is usually made with whipped cream with a fat content of 25% and 35%.

two。 Milk and cream: milk is suitable for blending espresso or fancy coffee, while cream is easy to use and easy to preserve. But no matter what kind of product you use, you can make a delicious cup of coffee according to your personal preference.

3. Whipped cream: whipped cream turns into foamed cream after stirring and foaming. This cream tastes best with bitter espresso.

3. Condensed milk: condensed milk 1 / 2 / 2 times to become sugar-free condensed milk. Generally speaking, canned condensed milk sold in stores is heated and sterilized, but it is easy to rot after opening cans and cannot be preserved for a long time. When brewing coffee, whipped cream floats a layer of oil on the coffee, while condensed milk precipitates into the coffee.

When fresh cream is added to coffee, if there is a feathery oil on the surface, this is due to the phenomenon of fat separation when high-fat fresh cream is added to sour coffee or when stale dairy products are used. So in addition to paying attention to the freshness of dairy products, high-fat whipped cream should be mixed with coffee with a mild sour taste.

Nutritional value of Milk Coffee

Drinking coffee in moderation (no more than two cups a day) is good for the heart and brain. Milk rich in calcium is a good drink to strengthen bones.

Matters needing attention in Milk Coffee

Long-term consumption of milk and coffee can cause damage to the liver because the mixture produces an unstable and indigestible emulsion. The French drink the most coffee and milk in the world, but no more people suffer from hepatitis than other countries. it turns out that there is a trick: pour the coffee into the milk instead of the milk, and it is best to use skim milk. This will prevent the milk from spoiling in your stomach.

The above is the content of milk coffee, the order of milk and coffee will be different nutrition, friends who like to add milk should pay attention.