Coffee review

What is American coffee? Is it American coffee to dilute it?

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, The copyright belongs to the author. Commercial reprint please contact the author for authorization, non-commercial reprint please indicate the source. Author: gu Zongwei Link: Source: Zhihu American Coffee, as a kind of Italian coffee, contains only espresso and water, almost no calories, but some friends say that American style is not.

The copyright belongs to the author.

Commercial reprint please contact the author for authorization, non-commercial reprint please indicate the source.

Author: gu Zongwei


Source: Zhihu

As a kind of espresso, American coffee contains only espresso and water, with almost no calories, but some friends say that American style is not good, and that American style is bitter and strong, so I have to stand up and speak. It must be the cup of espresso that you drank without the careful preparation of the coffee staff. I'm here to correct the American style.

Let's talk about the American style from the beginning, then the question is, how did the American style come from?

The name American coffee comes from the habit of American soldiers in Europe during the war to mix hot water into small portions of espresso that are common in Europe. Because Americans generally make coffee casually and simply, this method quickly became popular with the popularity of American chain stores in the world. Later, American coffee can even make all black coffee, such as drip filtration, French pressure and so on, black coffee can be called American coffee. In this article, we will only discuss American coffee made with Espresso as the base.

Americano is very popular in North America, especially breakfast, and office workers with American coffee can be seen everywhere during work. American style is also very popular in other countries where coffee drinking is common. In China, most cafes also provide American coffee. According to the statistics of our products, American coffee only accounts for 15% of the total amount of Italian coffee. It is not difficult to observe that most of those who love American style are foreigners and friends who have experience of living and working abroad, and take out. I am glad to see that this part of friends have gradually turned coffee into a necessity of life.

Let's talk about the American soul-espresso (Espresso). When I first met the American style, I was surprised that espresso could be sold by a different name as soon as it was put into the water. In fact, espresso was invented and developed in Italy, which began in the early 20th century, but until the mid-1940s, it was a drink made separately through vapor pressure. After the invention and successful commercialization of the Spring Lever (spring piston lever) coffee machine, espresso was transformed into a drink known today. The production process is the temperature of about 90-97 ℃ of hot water, to 9 to 10 atmospheric pressure (bar) pressure, in 20-30 seconds to extract the coffee liquid, 18-21 grams of coffee powder about 40~60ml coffee liquid extraction, according to the type of coffee beans, roasting methods, and coffee taste, the specific use of coffee weight, extraction time and extraction of coffee liquid are different.

It is such a strong liquid that not only tests the coffee beans, but also tests the barista's extraction skills. if the extraction time is tens of seconds, if the extraction is stopped prematurely, the concentration will become very sour and cannot be imported. A few seconds later, it will feel concentrated into water, and even a bitter and smoky bad taste, only the right time can make a cup concentrated, rich and complex, or round. Whether bright or calm, different varieties and roasting degrees of coffee beans will bring different tastes, but even if you make a cup of delicious concentrate that baristas like to talk about, there will still be guests who will not pay for it. Of course, there will still be many people who can't accept the strong stimulation of concentration, but can't resist the temptation of black coffee, so they choose American style. After being diluted with water, the concentrated sour, sweet and bitter are diluted and become more pleasing. It's a pleasure to drink for a while. A cup of delicious American style, not only the bitter taste of coffee, but also a little bit of sour, with a little bit of sweetness, as well as the aroma of coffee, and a long aftertaste.

Let's talk about the American style of two brothers, one is Long Black and the other is Lungo, they drink American style is a mixture of espresso and water, so what's the difference?

Americano is to add espresso first and then water.

For Long Black, water is added first and then Espresso is extracted.

Lungo is to speed up the flow rate of espresso by changing the scale of the grinder without adding extra water.

So what is the difference in taste brought about by different practices?

The grease (crema) on Americano will be washed away by hot water. As the grease on the Long Black is poured later, more grease will be seen on the surface of the coffee, and the grease will last longer because it does not receive external force. The insoluble substances in oil (crema) are the result of emulsification under high pressure. And the oil contains carbon dioxide, containing a lot of flavor and aroma. At the same time, because of its insoluble ingredients, this layer of oil forms a film on the coating of our tongue when drinking it. This film will give us a lasting aftertaste while weakening the sensitivity to bitterness. So Americano will be a little more painful than Long Black.

Let's take a look at Lungo. Lungo is very popular in Italy. Only about 60ml. The decrease in the amount of water brings a fuller taste. In English, Lungo means Long, and Lungo actually means Espresso that lengthens the extraction time. However, visit many domestic cafes, it is almost rare to provide Lungo coffee shop, probably the production also requires an independent bean grinder increased a lot of complexity, we have to combine practice and relevant materials to make, we adjust the parameters, lengthen the extraction time found that Lungo oil is the most stable of the three, taste lighter than Espresso, but at the same time will be a little bitter. Compared with Americano, it tastes more mellow, while Americano may be more bitter.