Coffee review

The effect of Coffee Silver skin on Flavor

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, The surface of each raw coffee bean has a thin outer film, the silver skin treated by the sun is generally yellowish brown, and the silver skin treated by water is generally rice white, translucent, tightly wrapped in coffee raw beans, so under normal circumstances we see the color of the raw coffee bean or the bean itself, this film is called silver skin. In the coffee fruit, the outer layer of the silver skin is covered with a yellow layer.

The surface of each raw coffee bean has a thin outer film, the silver skin treated by the sun is generally yellowish brown, and the silver skin treated by water is generally rice white, translucent, tightly wrapped in coffee raw beans, so under normal circumstances we see the color of the raw coffee bean or the bean itself, this film is called silver skin. In the coffee fruit, the outer layer of the silver skin is covered with a yellow outer skin, called endocarp. The whole coffee bean is wrapped in a sticky pulp to form a soft and sweet coffee pulp with the outermost shell.

Generally speaking, the silver skin of washed beans is less and cleaner, while the silver skin of sun-dried beans is generally more, and the flavor is more complex. Most of the silver skins fall off due to the expansion of the coffee beans during baking, and only a few are left on the surface of the coffee beans. We call this part of the silver skins the outer silver skins, while the silver skins in the seams of the coffee beans are generally left in the coffee beans. Generally, we call the silver skins in the seams as the inner silver skins.

Silver skin does have an effect on the flavor of coffee.

Cat has done two kinds of tests, one is the outer silver skin test, the other is the stitching silver skin test. The outer silver skin is a little silver skin scattered in the beans after baking, which is not discharged with the opening of the throttle door. The test beans are Yega Xuefei. After baking, the outer silver skin is not removed. The taste is layered and the fruit acid is on the high side, but the fruit acid is slightly irritant. I have an astringent feeling of staying numb on the tip of the tongue. After removing the outer silver skin, the cleanliness of the overall taste is relatively improved by one grade, but the taste is not as rich as the unremoved outer silver skin, and the acidity is also relatively mild, but on the whole, the taste of removing the outer silver skin is slightly better. Then Maoye tested the test of removing the silver skin in the seam. The same Yega Chuefei, who did not remove the silver skin, had bright acidity and rich layers, and stayed a little astringent on the tongue, which was a comfortable astringent taste. and we directly break the coffee beans to get rid of the silver skin in the middle of the Yega Xuefei, the taste is clean, but not too much sweetness and end rhyme, the taste is very single. On the whole, Maoye thinks the taste is better without removing the silver skin in the middle.

Of course, the above experiments are limited by region, raw beans, scale, water temperature, brewing method and baking degree, so they are not authoritative, but the test results done by Maoye himself are shared with you.

Finally, Maoye concluded that the silver skin does affect the flavor of the coffee, but the flavor is not very good after removing all the silver skin, and the appropriate silver skin can enhance the flavor of the coffee. Therefore, it is suggested that you can blow off the outer silver skin with a small fan, and removing the silver skin between the seams is a bit of icing on the cake.