Coffee review

The basic knowledge of coffee machine for making problem checklist by ESPRESSO

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, There are always some problems when we use coffee machines to extract espresso, so let's see what the problems will be. And how to find the reason: one. Observe whether the flow rate of coffee from the handle of the filter is between 25 and 30 seconds Q. The possible reason for the excessive flow rate is: 2, 4, 4, 5 Q. The possible reasons for the slow flow rate are as follows: 32. Watch the coffee flow out of the filter handle (CR)

There are always some problems when we use coffee machines to extract espresso, so let's see what the problems will be. And how to find out why:

one。 Observe whether the flow rate of coffee from the handle of the filter is between 25 and 30 seconds.

q. The flow rate is too fast

Possible reasons: 2, 4, 5

q. The flow rate is too slow

Possible reasons: 3

two。 Observe the shape of the CREMA that flows away from the handle of the filter to see if it is thick and smooth.

Q.CREMA with too much water content does not flow smoothly, but splashes off the handle.

Possible reasons: 12

three。 Observe whether the color of CREMA is thick ochre red

q. No CREMA.

Possible reasons: 7, 12

q. CREMA is too thin or has holes.

Possible reasons: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 12

q. CREMA is too light, yellow or whiter

Possible reasons: 1, 4, 6, 8, 11, 12

q. CREMA is too black.

Possible reasons: 3pr. 9

four。 Taste: many people think that ESPRESSO is always bitter, exciting and not easy to taste. in fact, in addition to the characteristics of beans, ESPRESSO should be palatable but not bitter, and some beans even bring some fruit-like acid.

q. Too bitter

Possible reasons: 3, 9, 14, 16

q. Too sour

Possible reasons: 8, 15, 16.

q. Too astringent or too spicy (too exciting)

Possible reasons: 1, 4, 6, 8, 11

q. The taste is too thin

Possible reasons: 2, 4, 5, 11, 11, 12, 13, 16

Classified Index of reasons for ESPREEO Cooking failure

1. Uneven filling force or uneven grinding

a. Make sure your bean grinder is not a spiral blade; and the blade is still sharp

b. Check whether the surface of the boiled coffee grounds is still smooth.

two。 Filling pressure is too loose or grinding is too coarse

a. Check whether the surface of the boiled coffee grounds is penetrated by water to make a large hole.

b. If the above situation, try to increase the force of the filling pressure; if not, fine the scale of the bean grinder by one frame

3. Filling too tight or grinding too fine

a. Without changing the filling force, fine the scale of the bean grinder by one frame.

4. To hit too hard or more than once.

a. Check whether the gap around the coffee grounds exceeds the 1mm, or knock the coffee grounds into the knock box without effort. In the case of the above, reduce the side strike force during the next filling and hit only once.

5. The amount of powder is too little

a. Check whether the coffee grounds are below the safety line in the powder bowl, and add more coffee powder next time.

6. The proportion of cooking exceeding the amount of powder.

a. The extraction should be stopped before the CREMA begins to fade or whiten. Do not insist on cooking until 30cc.

7. Lack of pressure

a. Only machines and mocha pots with steam as a source of pressure have such problems.

8. The water temperature is too low

a. Preheat pipes and components before cooking. The household machine cooks as soon as the lamp goes out.

9. The water temperature is too high

a. Remove the water in the front section before turning the handle. If you use the steam engine, please omit the heat engine step.

10. Pot scale leads to blockage of hot water pipe

a. Use a water softener or water purifier, do not use tap water directly; clean the line with diluted vinegar or lemon juice

11. The coffee grounds from the previous brewing are left on the machine.

a. Be sure to wash the head after each brewing and clean thoroughly after brewing coffee every day.

twelve。 The beans are not fresh.

a. Make sure the beans are used within two weeks after baking and are ground before cooking.

13. The beans are short of breath.

a. Please use beans 8-24 hours after baking.

14. Bake too deep

A the next time you bake or buy, pay attention to choosing lightly roasted beans

15. Baked too shallow

a. The next time you bake or buy, pay attention to choosing beans that are deeply baked.

16. Comprehensive characteristics of each component of beans

a. According to the characteristics of all kinds of beans, adjust the formula to find the flavor that suits you next time.

b. When buying, change the coffee bean brand or flavor series