Coffee review

Coffee raw beans, also known as coffee cherries, knowledge of coffee raw beans

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, After this period of understanding of coffee, the editor finally understands that there are not only a few brands of coffee, but also the brand culture of coffee is very strong in the distribution of the world. And coffee is divided into raw beans and cooked beans, the editor instantly feels that coffee culture is really broad and profound. Coffee raw beans are the seeds of coffee trees, which are usually called coffee cherries (coffee berries).

After this period of understanding of coffee, the editor finally understands that there are not only a few brands of coffee, but also the brand culture of coffee is very strong in the distribution of the world. And coffee is divided into raw beans and cooked beans, the editor instantly feels that coffee culture is really broad and profound. Coffee raw beans are the seeds of coffee trees, which are often called coffee cherries (coffee berries) in the hidden wealth. They are mistakenly called "beans" because they are similar to the beans we usually see, but they are actually the seeds of coffee. Usually there are two flat oval coffee beans in the coffee berries, and a small number of coffee berries contain only one coffee raw bean, just like there is only one grain of rice in the rice. This kind of bean is called Peaberry. These raw coffee beans usually contain endosperm.

The most economically valuable coffee varieties widely cultivated in the world are Arabica and Robusta. 75% of the world's coffee is planted in Arabica and about 20% in Robusta. Coffee beans grown in Arabica have a caffeine content of 0.8% Murray 1.4%, while Robusta has a caffeine content of 1.7% Murray 4%. Because coffee is one of the most consumed drinks in the world, coffee raw beans have naturally become the most important cash crop, and the foreign exchange earned from coffee bean exports in some developing countries accounts for 50% of their foreign exchange earnings.

The spread of coffee beans originated in Ethiopia, about 850 in the Christian era. It then spread throughout the Arabian Peninsula, and coffee was not really documented until the 900th year of the Christian era. At that time, the Yemenis carefully guarded the coffee in order to prohibit the outflow of coffee. However, some coffee saplings were smuggled to the Netherlands and planted in greenhouses, and coffee was not grown in America until 1723.