Coffee review

Raw beans-problems that should be paid attention to in the process of selection and purchase

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, How to buy raw beans? What kind of raw beans are good raw beans? Raw bean sellers (usually coffee farmers or processing plants that deal with raw beans) must be responsible for the grading of coffee beans before they are sold to buyers (usually importers, brokers, or bean merchants). Once the grading is completed, the two grades of coffee are "Exceptional" and "Specialty".


Raw beans-problems that should be paid attention to in the process of selection and purchase

Raw beans-problems that should be paid attention to in the process of selection and purchase

Raw beans-problems that should be paid attention to in the process of selection and purchase

Raw beans-problems that should be paid attention to in the process of selection and purchase