Coffee review

Boutique coffee beans: Typica Varietal of coffee varieties

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Variety: Typica (also known as Criolla, Sumatra, or Blue Mountain) related: original species found: central American growth altitude: best at high altitude type: primitive species are more common: central American coffee fruit color: red fruit size: large, oval leaf characteristics: thin, long Dibica is more common in Jamaica in Central America and Indonesia Island in Asia.

Variety: Typica(also known as Criolla species, Sumatra species, or Blue Mountain species)

Related: Original species

Discovered in: Central America

Growing altitude: preferably at high altitudes

Type: Original species

More common in: Central America

Coffee Fruit Color: Red

Fruit size: large, oval

Leaf characteristics: thin, long

Tibica is found in Jamaica in Central America and Indonesia in Asia. It usually has large oval fruits and slender leaves. Likes to grow in fertile mountain soil, cold tolerance and disease resistance is weak, yield is low. The famous Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee belongs to this variety.

In Peru, Bolivia and Colombia, Tibicas are often called Criolla(Spanish: Creole).

For example:

Sumatra Mandheling

Jamaica Blue mountain

El Salvador La Ilusion

Source: Black Coffee Blog