Coffee review

Coffee brewing mode: hand brewing coffee completely deciphered the decisive 120 seconds to fully understand hand brewing

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Hand brewing has always been a favorite of coffee lovers, simple and natural, strong playability, especially when using fresh beans to rush out big mushrooms, the aroma is full of aroma, that feeling is really beautiful. But like it, whether it tastes good or not is a test. As the saying goes, once you enter the door, it is as deep as the sea, and there is a lot of knowledge in it. Hand flushing is the best way to test skills, which is why hands are held all over the world.

手冲咖啡完全解密 决定性的120秒!

Hand brewing has always been a favorite of coffee lovers, simple and natural, strong playability, especially when using fresh beans to rush out big mushrooms, the aroma is full of aroma, that feeling is really beautiful.

But like it, whether it tastes good or not is a test. As the saying goes, once you enter the door, it is as deep as the sea, and there is a lot of knowledge in it. Hand rush is the best way to test skills, which is why hand rush competitions are held all over the world, and countless experts have all kinds of tricks. Where is the main point of hand flushing? the following editors describe in detail for coffee enthusiasts:

1. Strength

Hand flushing strength control is a skill, beginners can take more tap water practice, the goal is to flow down vertically and uniformly, not slanting, not ticking off, just controlled in a vertical line. Then practice drawing circles on the filter paper, so that the shape of the circle is stable and round, and the flow of water does not change from big to small because of the action of drawing circles. This basic skill is in place.

What happens if the strength control is not good enough? Or too hard, in the coffee powder somewhere to make a big hole, the water did not soak the coffee, directly ran away from the filter paper. If you want coffee powder to soak in different areas, it will affect the taste of coffee.

Tip: the water in the small kettle is filled up to 7 minutes, too full or too little, which will lead to uncontrollable strength.

2. Water temperature

In order to ensure the taste of coffee, different beans need different water temperature, such as Brazil's yellow bourbon, after repeated practice, it is concluded that the key to perfect brewing lies in low temperature. Then after the water boils, it needs to be hung for a while or mixed with a little cold water, then measured by temperature, and then start brewing at 80-85 degrees Celsius. The yellow bourbon lubricated in this way is sweet and full-bodied, without any sense of bitterness. If you think the thermometer measurement is more troublesome, then the Bonavita adjustable temperature control fine nozzle pot is your best choice! For Yega and other sour floral coffee, the temperature can be raised to 92 degrees, as soon as the hot water enters, the flower fragrance is overflowing, which is very beautiful.

3. Flour quantity and water quantity

The greater the amount of powder, the slower the fall of the water, and vice versa. If the amount of powder is too small, the water will fall too fast and it is easy to extract inadequately. In such cases, it is necessary to adjust the degree of grinding to reduce the flow rate of water. Personal experience, 20g is easier to control. The whole process of hand flushing should be controlled within two minutes as far as possible. Too long time will lead to poor taste of excessive extraction. The amount of water varies according to your taste. According to the extraction principle given by SCAA, the gouache ratio may need to reach more than 13:1. For those who like espresso, 10:1 is recommended. If you like light coffee, the amount of water can continue to increase. Still take our yellow bourbon as an example, because it does not have bitterness and strong acidity, like its smooth, rich and sweet, so the ratio recommended by the editor is 12:1.

4. Steaming

At the beginning of hand flushing, there is a very important steaming process, that is, the first injection of water, only less than twice the amount of water. For example, with 20g of powder, pour 30-40g of water for steaming for the first time. The whole process of steaming is about 30 seconds. Intuitively speaking, when you see the expansion of the coffee powder surface begin to collapse, you can continue the second water injection. The first is the release of gases dominated by carbon dioxide. Therefore, the nearer the fresh coffee beans are from the baking time, the more soaked coffee powder bubbles, the more fluffy it appears. Deep-baked beans are more likely to blister than light-baked beans. The second is to make the subsequent extraction uniform. Because the coffee powder particles are heated and expanded after being wet by hot water during steaming, the surface of the coffee particles opens, and the gap between the fluffy coffee powder particles becomes larger, making it easier for water to enter, so that the coffee powder can be fully covered with water.

Article source: Internet