Coffee review

Cappuccino knowledge and appreciation cappuccino cappuccino introduction to high-quality cappuccino cappuccino

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Cappuccino at the beginning of the 20th century, Italian Azibucha invented the steam pressure coffee machine at the same time, also developed the cappuccino coffee. Cappuccino is an Italian coffee mixed with the same amount of Italian espresso and steamed milk. The color of the coffee at this time is like a cappuccino monk covering a dark brown coat with a headscarf.

Cappuccino (Cappuccino)-at the beginning of the 20th century, the Italian Archebucha invented the steam pressure coffee machine, but also developed the cappuccino coffee. Cappuccino is an Italian coffee mixed with the same amount of Italian espresso and steamed milk. At this time, the color of coffee is like a cappuccino monk covering a dark brown coat with a headscarf, hence the name caffeine.

Cappuccino coffee on the basis of Italian espresso, with a thick layer of foaming milk, becomes a cappuccino. The quality of espresso can be seen in milk and foam, but it is still an important factor in determining the taste of cappuccino. Pour the partially skimmed milk into a pot, then use a foamer to foam and inflate the milk, and let the milk be as uniform as whipped cream without burning. The cappuccino coffee cup should be warm or the milk foam will spread. You can usually put these cups on the top of the coffee maker to keep warm. Pour the milk and foam on top of the espresso and form a natural layer, just like wrapping the coffee below. Note that the brewed Italian coffee is about five cents full, and the hot milk that has been foamed is about eight cents full. Finally, you can sprinkle a little cinnamon or chocolate powder and pour the rest of the milk together to make a delicious cappuccino.

Cappuccinos can be drunk dry or wet. The so-called dry cappuccino (Dry Cappuccino) refers to the conditioning method with more milk bubbles and less milk. it tastes stronger than milk and is suitable for people with heavy taste. As for wet cappuccino (Wet Cappuccino), it refers to the practice of fewer milk bubbles and more milk. The smell of milk overshadows the thick smell of coffee, which is suitable for those with light taste. The flavor of the wet cappuccino is similar to that of the popular latte. Generally speaking, the taste of cappuccino is heavier than that of latte. If you have a strong taste, you might as well order cappuccino or dry cappuccino. If you are not used to the heavy smell of coffee, you can order latte or wet cappuccino.

Caffeine and coffee are recognized as healthy drinks, but coffee must be consumed reasonably and scientifically in order to be beneficial to health. Having a drink after getting up in the morning is a wake-up call. A light sip at work during the day can refresh you, and the coffee can be a little stronger. It is advisable to drink coffee slightly after dinner or in the evening. Both coffee and tea have refreshing effects, but they are not suitable for drinking during meals and should be drunk after meals. Some friends like coffee very much, but they are afraid that they will get angry if they drink it often. We often see many people order coffee, this way of drinking coffee is not easy to be healthy. Should be served with a cup of white water when tasting coffee, this has two advantages: first, drink a mouthful of white water before tasting coffee, flush away the bad smell in the mouth, and then taste will feel mellow. Second, due to the diuretic function of coffee, drink more white water to improve urination and promote renal function. In this way, not only taste the delicious coffee, but also do not have to worry about getting angry, it is really killing two birds with one stone. When it comes to coffee, people will think of caffeine. Caffeine is a softer stimulant in coffee, which can improve the body's sensitivity, attention, metabolism, mental state and physical fitness.

At present, caffeine has been found in about 60 plant species, of which tea and coffee are the best known. Coffee contains caffeine, and whether there is any response to caffeine varies from person to person. For example, some people are allergic to pollen, while others are not suitable for eating seafood. And these two situations will not have any effect on most people like you and me. How much coffee you drink every day is not too much. People often ask, how much coffee is too much? In some large coffee consuming countries, people consume an average of about 250 to 600 milligrams of caffeine a day. After repeated scientific research and analysis, this dose does not have any side effects on the human body.

Coffee should pay attention to: (1) do not drink espresso coffee can make people's heart beat faster, cause premature beats, arrhythmia and excessive excitement, insomnia, etc., thus affecting rest and recovery of physical strength. (2) elderly people with arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure and heart disease should not drink coffee. Studies have shown that drinking coffee in patients with heart disease can increase the incidence of myocardial infarction. (3) the elderly with ulcers should not drink coffee to stimulate the secretion of gastric acid, and gastric acid can cause the aggravation of ulcer, leading to pain, bleeding and so on. (4) it is not suitable to drink coffee after drinking because caffeine can increase the damage caused by alcohol. Sober up with coffee after drinking is harmful to health.

The following six types of people should not drink coffee: suffering from high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis and other diseases-long-term or heavy consumption of coffee can cause cardiovascular disease. Older women-Coffee reduces calcium and causes osteoporosis. After menopause, women need to add ten times the amount of calcium every day. People with stomach problems-drinking too much coffee can worsen stomach problems. Pregnant women-drinking too much coffee can lead to fetal malformation or miscarriage. People with vitamin B1 deficiency-vitamin B1 can maintain the balance and stability of the nervous system, and coffee has a destructive effect on it. Cancer patients-drinking too much coffee is at risk of cancer to normal people.