Coffee review

Coffee beans how to choose coffee beans? How to choose coffee beans? Buy coffee beans with ripe beans

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, How to choose coffee beans? How to choose coffee beans? As a matter of fact, at present, there is no unified classification in the coffee industry, and each producing country has its own classification. For example, Brazil sets NO.2 as the highest level and Jamaica sets NO.1 as the highest level. For individuals, because people's preferences and tastes are different, the grading can not be fully presented.

How to choose coffee beans? How to choose coffee beans? -choose and buy coffee beans

Reference index of coffee bean grading

In fact, at present, there is no unified classification in the coffee industry, and each country of production is divided into different levels. For example, Brazil sets NO.2 as the highest level and Jamaica sets NO.1 as the highest level.

As for individuals, because people's preferences and taste are different, grading can not fully show the flavor of coffee, it is more about the quality of coffee, so the level of coffee is not very important to me. I think there are more than 60 coffee-producing countries at present, and they are produced in South America, Central America, the West Indies, Asia, Africa, Arabia, the South Pacific and Oceania. You won't know until you taste it. Moreover, domestic coffee stores usually do not mark the grade, can only see Colombian coffee, Mantenin coffee, Kenya coffee and so on, but do not see the grade. So, taste is the last word.

This is the earliest method of grading and is still used in many parts of Brazil. The method of identification is to randomly take 300 grams of samples, find out the defective beans in the samples, and accumulate different scores according to the types of defects. After the identification is completed, it will be rated as Gr2~Gr8 according to the accumulated defect score, but there is no Gr1. If you want to buy first-class Brazilian beans, it will make a joke.

However, generally speaking, we can make reference to the following three indicators for grading:

(1) the size of coffee beans

Some people say that the size of beans will not affect the flavor of coffee, such as Yemen Mattari, beans have large and small particles, but it is still the top grade of coffee. However, in many producing areas, the size of coffee beans is indeed a valuable indicator.

This classification is generally used in Kenya, New Guinea, Puerto Rico, Zimbabwe, Tanzania and Uganda. In addition, this classification is also used in many Brazilian coffee.

(2) the number of defective beans

(3) the origin of coffee beans

Coffee beans are processed from the fruits of coffee trees, which grow at 25 degrees north and south latitudes around the equator (pictured below), that is, tropical and subtropical regions.

(4) the new and old coffee beans

New coffee is called "new bean", which refers to the coffee raw beans harvested that year. The raw coffee beans produced the year before are called "old beans". The raw beans harvested in earlier years are called "old beans". Only the new beans produced in that year are high-grade products, because the taste and aroma of new beans are relatively rich.